my very own micro farm

Your menu items always look so good.
Looks like you are succeeding with everything you do, and I enjoy watching your progress. Wish we had more property and could do some of that, but guess we are happy with what we have, and can at least enjoy the pictures you share with us. Everything looks great!
Your menu items always look so good.  :drool     Looks like you are succeeding with everything you do,  and I enjoy watching your progress.  Wish we had more property and could do some of that, but guess we are happy with what we have, and can at least enjoy the pictures you share with us.  Everything looks great!
thank you so much I really do love food. Cooking it, eating it, sharing it. Would you believe I'm as skinny as a bean pole. I do have set backs out here, I just think of it as a really big learning curve. Any progress even that with a negative outcome can still be forward progress if viewed properly. Gotta keep the wheels spinning and I'm always happy to share and encourage sharing alike.
If your limited on space, try growing micro greens or window sill mushroom boxes(both of which I have never done :) ) just food for thought. There's all kinds of fun projects out there anyone can do, mine are just scaled to my property size and appetite, which can be a bit big sometimes. Thanks again or following.

And as always,
Onwards and upwards
Got some stuff done over the weekend.

Two more boxes reframed and wired on Saturday, now to get them placed and filled in.
Came up with a new special for brunch.

Tritip Benedict with sliced tomatoes pesto hollandaise and feta cheese. Most sold item of the day :)
This morning I have been racing a storm warning to get all that wood moved and covered. I had to rearrange tarp placement between the pile and the kelso run, it needed an update anyways as it was still catching to much water.
The cattle panel and pallet wood hutch is coming along and looks roughly like what I was expecting. Pics soon.
My fruit trees are doing well too.

Apple blossoms starting.

And some Asian pears on their way, got a couple apircots starting too but no pictures of those.
kids can be time consuming at any age, something I'm learning every day. Hadn't really thought about the rate but ya 70% isn't bad not counting the 3 infertiles. I'm still gonna want to get eggs from you but I've got alot to get out of the way first. I won't lemyone of my kelso that went broody last year hatch another set, she was too mean and not something I want to deal with when moving her to one of the brooder pens come time. Can't wait for the chick pics. Time to run.

Onwards and upwards

Yes ! Kids no matter what age are time consuming. I have one out of college. Tried to get her too go longer.
a freshman, 5th and 3 rd grade. However every moment gets better.
The eggs Benedek looks fabulous! I really need that recipe! if you're willing to share.

I will be very excited to see what colors these chicks end up being. Both parents got good reviews from the Serama thread. Few! Any time your ready. Give me two week warning and I'll get them together. I think we are pretty close ? I use to drive my boss to Twaine Hearte quite a bit. What kinda of standard fertile eggs do you have around ?

After its stops raining I'll go take pictures.
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Yes ! Kids no matter what age are time consuming. I have one out of college. Tried to get her too go longer.
a freshman, 5th and 3 rd grade. However every moment gets better.
The eggs Benedek looks fabulous! I really need that recipe! if you're willing to share.

I will be very excited to see what colors these chicks end up being. Both parents got good reviews from the Serama thread. Few! Any time your ready. Give me two week warning and I'll get them together. I think we are pretty close ? I use to drive my boss to Twaine Hearte quite a bit. What kinda of standard fertile eggs do you have around ?

After its stops raining I'll go take pictures.

My fertile eggs are mostly ee. I do have that one bantam hen who's eggs are proven now. Lol. Cheeky little bugger us so fast. And the gamebirds are fertile too. Small chance of Hermes blood mixing in with some of the hatchery hens and ee. We could always meet in merced, that's about half way, my MIL lives there and we go often.
Currently trying to BBQ, weather be scorned.
I love my grill.

It's certainly served its purpose and is big enough to stoke a fire on one side and slow cook on the other or even the rack hanging from the interior of the lid, my favourite place to cook. Tritip going on momentarily with marinated artichoke squash and portabella to go on towards the end with a bucket of mesquite chips.

I love my grill too....use it all year round, can pull it under the eave at the deck door and see it from kitchen...make's it pretty easy even on our winters.

So I'm so inspired by your food photos, I took on of my own yesterday... I'm no chef, this is tongue in cheek so take it with a grain of salt, I hope you're not offended.

One of my favorite 'sammiches'...when pining for my mama's chicken, broccoli, campbells cream of chicken soup casserole(I know, right!?)
Had chicken and broccoli but no soup and ewww came up with this.
Lightly toasted home made bread, both slices slathered with mayo.
Layer sliced grilled chicken, black pepper, steamed broccoli aldente and well drained-squeezed even, drizzle of tamari, top with other slathered slice.
I love my grill too....use it all year round, can pull it under the eave at the deck door and see it from kitchen...make's it pretty easy even on our winters. So I'm so inspired by your food photos, I took on of my own yesterday... I'm no chef, this is tongue in cheek so take it with a grain of salt, I hope you're not offended. One of my favorite 'sammiches'...when pining for my mama's chicken, broccoli, campbells cream of chicken soup casserole(I know, right!?) Had chicken and broccoli but no soup and ewww came up with this. Lightly toasted home made bread, both slices slathered with mayo. Layer sliced grilled chicken, black pepper, steamed broccoli aldente and well drained-squeezed even, drizzle of tamari, top with other slathered slice. :D
I was catching a bit of rain last night while I was grilling. :( didnt stop me tho. Funny about the storm warning, it's as clear as a bell as things are starting to lighten up out here this morning. Spent alot of time scrambling yesterday for a mellow drizzle. That sandwich looks great, I could tell right off that bread was homemade. Only thing its missing is some gooy cheese. :) reminds me of this chicken bacon and broccoli pizza I used to make at this place I worked, man now I'm gonna have to make it next time I butcher a roo. Lol. I love mornings on the porch. Ducks are quacking roos are making their morning announcements of 'this is mine!. But no one's off the roosts yet. Qbert has spent her second night outside as part of one of the flock of ducks. She refuses to get off the pond at dusk. Lol. Out, running around now looking rather smug. Aside from the ducks that don't sleep, momma hen and her 7 dwarves were the first to get up and start scratching around. Now everyone else has emerged and the daily scour for food has started. With the full light of dawn finally here at freaking 7am it's time to turn my feet to the dirt and get going. Onwards and upwards Attimus
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Got both framed boxes placed and one filled yesterday. Gonna try and fill the other at some point in the next few hours. Been waking up wayyyy to early again. About the same time as yesterday too, wired. I consider going back to sleep, the body is willing but the mind refuses.
Instead I worked on a menu item for work. We are running the karabuto pork belly again this week and Ive really been trying to break boundaries with these chefs specials weve been doing. Here's the salad.

Might take a few adjustments but that's the jist of it. Figure out what to pair with the pork later, not sure my boss would appreciate a 4am text to talk about food.
Everybody looks to be doing great right now, I think they know spring is here even if it's still a little wet now and again. Momma hen running around with her chicks was giving my older buddy, that comes over to help out, a good chuckle. Especially the little bantam in the mix and just as spry as the rest.
Spent alot of the day just hanging with the kid, not really doing much. Can't beat a weekend with her :) . one of her current past times is to scoop little handfuls of feed and move it to another bucket, one of the kiddie pools or just straight to the ground :) I just smile and laugh. I'll hand her the scoop, she hasn't quite figured out its mechanics yet, and she tries to use it briefly and then returns to her hands. This will carry on for a bit than we wander around for a while but eventually come back to the buckets. I think feeding is gonna be on her list of morning stuff real soon ;) so happy she loves being outside.
Still mulling over the possibility of starting up a second thread dedicated directly to food @lindalouly has been pushing the idea and food certainly does keep coming up where ever I find myself. Maybe this soap box isn't big enough for me I don't know but it's seeming like a good idea might help me get all my recipies on paper so to speak, so much going around the brain pan it couldn't hurt.
Another idea for a thread I've been wanting to start is a craziest chicken story thread.I've got a duzey but would take some time to write as it spans to course of 6 months or something and is deserving of starting something new. I know I'm not the only one with at least one crazy chicken story so I might give it a go.
Time will tell. It always does.

Onwards and upwards

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