My Worse Predator - MAN and WOMAN


5 Years
Oct 9, 2014
I am going to be moving my flock of gunieas up to my cabin, they have a nice big coop and I have someone to check on them. But my big fear is that someone will steal them. I decided to make a scary sign... I didn't really know what to put so I welcome all ideas. Here's my sign....

In case your wondering, I am up at Lake Isabella where the homeless take up residence in the vacant cabins. My idea is to raise a bunch of screeching birds to deter them from my property.

While I think guineas can probably drive people nuts pretty effectively, I would be concerned about their homing instincts. Adult guineas are known to have good homing instincts, and when moved to a new location, will often attempt to return home unless kept confined for several weeks. I would also be concerned about the people possibly attempting to catch/kill the guineas (are there any people on your property right now??)

I'm not so sure about the sign. I feel like that could cause trouble if some kind of government employee/whoever saw it and took it seriously. Is it gonna be on a road or just in the woods?
Thank you so much for your reply. Actually I am at the end of a long bumpy dirt road. When I got broken into last year I made the comment to the Sheriff I would love to find a caretaker to stay here when I am not here. The second time, yes, in less than 6 months, my camera caught a little meth-head in my kitchen, they broke all my outside lights, broke windows got in ripped my alarm off the wall and went through the bedroom drawers. The Sheriff said they are looking for guns and jewelry. The only thing they stole was my solar light from Costco, my bug zapper and my quail food block. So... my wish came true, I have a CHP officer that is there 4 days a week, with his squad car parked out front, I hope that is a deterrent! Although I am packing I worry about posting a gun sign because that is what they are after, guns. I think posting the sign might deter them because no one wants to get sick. I intend to keep them in their coop until next Spring, they are only 1 month old so that should be long enough to stake up a new home. Thank you for taking the time to reply :) Pinky
You could not possibly find a better deterrent than the CHP car .... And when you arrive for your visits, have that 39 clip magazine as well. Maybe an alternate poster would be..............

Or this one.

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Not that the type of people would notice this, but "respitory" is actually spelled "respiratory". Just figured it would lend more credence to that sign. I've been to Isabella and boy, that's some isolated country. Stunningly beautiful too! I think the sign is a good idea. I agree about not posting a sign about being armed, as if you've got folks ransacking your cabin, they'll be more inclined to do so to find those guns. Sad, but true. The CHP car is awesome! Great of them to do that.
Thank you so much for the typo fix... I was just getting ready to leave for Kinkos to laminate my signs. The homeless people are getting braver and braver about coming right to your door and stealing things.... One actually left his phone charger plugged in to my outside outlet.... after I took it, they had the nerve to leave me a note that I should return what is not mine. I left a note that one of your homies has whatever you're looking for, get off my property. Oh brother. I can't win.
Wow! That is awful I thought I had it bad with my neighbors and my flock of chickens! Hope you can figure something out soon..I'd be terrified when I leave..but the homeless aren't that scary when your face to face. As long as you've got the gun, and they don' should be fine.
The peeps are now at their new home. I have a deputy there Monday and Tuesday and then another deputy, Officer Dan, there Wed-Fri..... so I gave them both instructions to keep the peeps safe till my return. They like using my cabin as the cop flop so I am sure they will do their best to make us all happy :)


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