Need help figuring out protein percentage

If you want some animal protein, try fish meal. Chickens are omnivores. It means they can eat as vegetarians or animal/insect protein. It can be hard to get a good amino acid profile without animal protein, though when it is done, its usually with soy protein.

I bought a bag of high quality Menhaden fish meal (preserved with a rosemary extract) this fall that costs me $1.70 per pound. I include it at a rate of 5-6%. Certainly more expensive than soy, but organic soy isn't that cheap either. I'm sure you can get it cheaper than I did if you're buying in such bulk.
I based it on this.
[COLOR=414141]In all foods and meals, the calories come from the energy-producing nutrients, protein, carbohydrate, fat, and alcohol, present in the food.  To determine the percent of calories from each of the energy nutrients, you must know the total calories and grams of the nutrients in a given amount of food.  To find the percent from protein, know that every gram of protein contributes 4 calories.  To calculate the percent, use this equation: (Given calories/ Total calories) x 100.  For instance, if a food contains 200 calories and 8 grams of protein, then (32 calories / 200 calories) X 100 = 16% and so protein contributes 16 percent of that food's total calories. On Calorie Count, this information is depicted visually as a pie chart and a bar graph, and numerically in the Nutrition Report.[/COLOR]

I beg to differ on their math and equation, as I said if you have a 100g serving and 20.78g of that is protein (as clearly stated) then it's 20.78% protein...
I based it on this.
[COLOR=414141]In all foods and meals, the calories come from the energy-producing nutrients, protein, carbohydrate, fat, and alcohol, present in the food.  To determine the percent of calories from each of the energy nutrients, you must know the total calories and grams of the nutrients in a given amount of food.  To find the percent from protein, know that every gram of protein contributes 4 calories.  To calculate the percent, use this equation: (Given calories/ Total calories) x 100.  For instance, if a food contains 200 calories and 8 grams of protein, then (32 calories / 200 calories) X 100 = 16% and so protein contributes 16 percent of that food's total calories. On Calorie Count, this information is depicted visually as a pie chart and a bar graph, and numerically in the Nutrition Report.[/COLOR]

I beg to differ on their math and equation, as I said if you have a 100g serving and 20.78g of that is protein (as clearly stated) then it's 20.78% protein...

This brings up a good point. Matt44644 is basing his percentage upon what percentage of energy (calories) of the total ration is the protein. MeepBeep is basing upon weight (grams). Apples and oranges.

I'm certainly no expert in animal nutrition. Most of the equations I have seen have been based upon weight, not energy. Perhaps nutrition experts use the energy formula in addition to the weight formula for more detailed breakdown of what is where. I don't really know.

For a beginner like me, I don't think I would want to try to wrap my head around the energy formula until I fully understood the weight one. I can "see" what 20g looks like far easier than 20 calories.

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