Need pictures for article

Argh, I keep forgetting to take partridge rock pictures....

Well grab your camera woman and head outside! I want to see them!
You already have my orp pics, but I just took some more yesterda. I thought I'd share them just for fun.

For the "Brick Fan Club" (He's a double barred chocolate cuckoo orp)

The way he struts & poses, I truly think he believes the sun rises & sets because of him.

Moose - a young lav orp

Our old man & peacekeeping roo

Here are some of our orp ladies:

Muppet a lav orp

Marshmallow - black orp

and Lady Godiva (choc orp)

Brick next to Muppet to show how little he is (or how big my lav orps are)

This is Oopsie (supposed to be a mauve orp) who's always standing on my boots looking up to get my attention

.....and my silly little bantam orp, Cookie. (nicknamed "Cookie Monster" when broody &/or "the Bantam Menace" when treats are involved)
Don't let that innocent face fool you! She can be fierce & hold her own against any giant orp hen!
@Faraday40 your lav orps are gorgeous! And Brick too of course!

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