Neighbor dogs, what do I do?

Have you contacted the Humane Society or local dog shelter? (whatever you have in your area) Sometimes they have dog traps that they will lend out so people can catch problem animals. It doesn't sound like your neighbor would spend the money to get his dogs back from the pound, but at least you could eliminate one or two this way without having to use a gun.

I recommend to everyone that they take a basic gun safety class. You said you are afraid of guns, well, there are alot of guns out there in the world and there is no reason to be afraid of them. Get some training so that if something extreame happens, you at least have the knowledge to safely remove a gun from the reach of your child. You don't have to be a crack shot, but have the basic skills to deal with a situation. I have many firends who were afraid of guns, until they came over adn I taught them some basic gun safety. Shooting pop cans and bowling pins has changed many minds at my house, I have a couple of friends who have now joined shooting ranges to get their fix.
Okay, now I'm mad at YOU. You know this is a problem. There have been grave losses at your place, you know the problem remained unresolved, but your birds were left at the mercy of the dogs and of course another got tortured and killed. Your choice, but were it me, my birds would be in lockdown till I had reasonable assurance the same thing wasn't going to happen yet AGAIN. If you can't take on the dog situation AND you don't want your birds to die, then you must make them a safe area before another is sacrificed to inaction. I'm sorry. I don't like to holler but I just hate to see innocent birds suffer, and die in terror.

A question I must ask is are the dogs consuming what they catch? Have you actually seen them catch your birds? Important to consider to ensure containment efforts to protect birds will work.

The OP needs to repressent a larger percentage of discussion as discussion is taking on a life of its own that might not be as constructive as it should.
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I too have had problems with neighbor's dogs. The neighbor is in jail and his parents (who live 2 hrs away) are overseeing his place. His Mom sent me $50 to help replace the damage, but wants to keep the dog there to protect the place since no one lives there. ACK!!!

At first I called the Sheriff's Dept out......(I live in Texas) the Deputy told me I had the right to protect my animals and I could shoot the dogs.
I have a .38 pistol with 'bird shot' bullets.
I will not shoot a dog!!! I will shoot snakes and tin cans.

Now, I shoot at the ground when the dogs (neighbor's dog brings his buddies) come around. The sound is enough to frighten them and make them run off. In the beginning I had to do this a couple of times a week. Now it's only about once a month.

A neighbor told me the other day, that since I have 'bird shot' bullets I could actually shoot at the dog without doing a lot of damage to it, as long as the dog was at a distance from me.

In the last month I've learned all I have to do is go outside and yell "GO HOME"!!! and he runs......don't even have to take the gun with me. (His buddies have not been coming around, so now I don't have to deal with them.)

Best of luck to you, I guess we all find our own ways of dealing with predator problems.
StevieNacole, have you gotten the sheriff to report the times the dogs have menaced you? I would write all that down, and go to whoever is in charge at the sheriffs' department. Dog packs that threaten humans are a serious matter, and the dept may be able to shoot them out of hand. (That's what happens in our county, anyway.)

Of course, since you don't know how to shoot, that isn't an option at the moment. But is there a friend or relative who can do it for you? Or as a poster above suggested, you can set traps - you can probably hire a professional trapper, if you want.

Keeping that number of big dogs out of your yard will take barbed wire or hotwire. And of course that doesn't protect you outside your yard, which I why I urge you to put pressure on the sheriffs' department, or eliminate them while on your land.

Also, you can consult a lawyer (most will give a free initial consultation) and find out what civil remedies are available to you.
If you are unwilling to do what it takes to stop the dogs from killing your chickens, then you should get rid of the chickens & get an inside pet, maybe tropical fish.
I would say go take some gun safety classes and buy a gun because one day you might find your self being the chickens trying to run from the pack. I know if there is a dog attacking any of my animals or any animal I would shoot them and i would want someone to do the same if my dog was attacking there animals or if my dog attacked any of my animals i would have to put him down because once they start most likely they will keep doing it.
Well ive had issues like that before but usually it was a fox or hawk and the occasional racoon but you should call Animal controll or get a fence like an electric fence ;) teach those dogs a lesson they will NEVER forget ^_^ --> you
<---The Dogs (go smack them silly xP)
I know it stinks....I just lost 6 out of 10 nice, fat friendly girls to my neighbors dog.....and his reply was "shoot her"! If I would have had a gun in my hands the day I found her killing them, believe me I would have!! And I am not a killer.....I told him that he needed to take care of his dog so that I did not have to.......Needless to say my chickens no longer free-range and we are building a fenced-in run....I had never seen that dog in our yard before and we use the nite-guard lights at night for coyote etc., and they seem to work...wish they would work during the day for dogs!!!

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