neighbor's dog killed one of my girls!!!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 30, 2013
Albuquerque, NM
My sucky neighbor sent their kids to my house with my favorite girl (a RIR named little fatty) in a plastic bag. The kid told me she fell of the 6ft wall and their dogs got her. About a week later I found another girl dead with a small hole in her neck.... my question is has anyone seen a chicken fall off anything especially twards a predator? And do you think I should have made them replace the one they admitted to killing? I'm not really friendly with them and I live in the city limits.
If your chickens are in their yard, you can't really do anything. I can't see a chicken falling, but I have had one of my own chickens go into the neighbor's yard and get killed by their dog. Chickens aren't able to reason and if there's something they want on the other side of the fence (or wall), they are going to go over, not thinking, "no, that monster will eat me."

If the dogs are coming over into your yard, that's a whole different story. Take pictures, call Animal Control, and give the neighbor a bill for the value of the chicken.
I don't think the first one was their fault. The second one might have been but I can see why they might not think so. It's unfortunate you lost those chickens, but I would want a more clear situation before making accusations. Some sympathy from them would have been nice. It was a test of character and they failed.

And by all means consider it one strike and out if their dogs are on your property. But don't escalate it. We keep a choke chain by the door for the neighbors' dogs and had one chained up for several hours once. If you can tell the owners you have their dog but you're not calling Animal Control because you're such a nice person and want to live in peace with your neighbor - that might work better in the long run.

We also keep a gun by the back door and if I wanted the neighbors' dogs dead it could have happened a long time ago but you can't go back from that. We're far from close friends with those neighbors but I don't feel like I have to watch my back and they know that if I complain about something, I'm not just being nasty.

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