New Brahma Group: Blue Partridge x Partridge, Plus Dark

I have three Brahma girls who are born mothers. It's almost like they look for a reason to become broody. I have others that never go broody. Frack, for instance, was broody just once in ten years. Daffy, who's around five years old, has abandoned her chicks early to sit on some eggs she found once.

Though she's only been laying less than a month, it's possible, surely. One of my original Buff Orpington hens went broody for the first time at that point. I didn't have a rooster then, so no eggs were fertile, but I know it's entirely possible that Bonnie is truly broody. Now, what the heck to give her if she is? Or do I try to break her? I really am a bit frazzled right now so not the best time. But, if I give her eggs, I don't want her to get to the end and have nothing to show for it.

My EE hen, Maretta, was clucking for a couple of weeks, then just quit, thankfully.
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I think Bonnie is going broody, if you can believe it. She's been on the nest half of yesterday and this a.m., she was on two eggs and screamed at me when I reached for her. She did that yesterday, too, but she doesn't peck at me and does the squat when I do touch her, so it's hard to tell. If she's a sweet broody like I've had before, may take me a bit to really figure it out. I have no reliably fertile eggs to give her since the boys have only been with the girls off and on, and one at a time, since Bailey was injured. The BR pullet eggs are really small, too, smaller than the Brahmas and the other adult BRs are really not laying much, so what the heck could I even give her?

@Sjisty do you get many broodies in your Brahmas? @brahmapapa ?
as a rule my Brahmas sometimes do go broody but usually not at this time of year in my climate.
as a rule my Brahmas sometimes do go broody but usually not at this time of year in my climate.
Hey, Tom! Good to see you posting. Hoping you're doing better. We've had a spring in January so maybe it fooled Miss Bonnie. She is still on the nest today and has been all day long. Have to see if even have anything I could give her. Our last frost date is usually about April 20 so our winters are not as severe as yours way up in NY.
I think Bonnie is going broody, if you can believe it. She's been on the nest half of yesterday and this a.m., she was on two eggs and screamed at me when I reached for her. She did that yesterday, too, but she doesn't peck at me and does the squat when I do touch her, so it's hard to tell. If she's a sweet broody like I've had before, may take me a bit to really figure it out. I have no reliably fertile eggs to give her since the boys have only been with the girls off and on, and one at a time, since Bailey was injured. The BR pullet eggs are really small, too, smaller than the Brahmas and the other adult BRs are really not laying much, so what the heck could I even give her?

@Sjisty do you get many broodies in your Brahmas? @brahmapapa ?
only one or two do go broody in any given year
Hey, Tom! Good to see you posting. Hoping you're doing better. We've had a spring in January so maybe it fooled Miss Bonnie. She is still on the nest today and has been all day long. Have to see if even have anything I could give her. Our last frost date is usually about April 20 so our winters are not as severe as yours way up in NY.
I have not been in good health, i am struggling to keep everyone warm and happy, so far so good, i think i have a nice group of girls to breed with this year.
only one or two do go broody in any given year

I have not been in good health, i am struggling to keep everyone warm and happy, so far so good, i think i have a nice group of girls to breed with this year.
Sorry to hear that, Tom. I hope your Brahmas give you pleasure to offset other less pleasant things in life, though, my friend. I absolutely adore this group of mine.
yes they are stunning, gotta run do chores, chat you again soon.
Thanks for stopping by. Always a pleasure, Tom.

ETA: Went out to check on Atlas and Mary (story on the other thread). Bonnie was off the nest, finally. I saw her on the floor, called her name and she immediately squatted, LOL. They are so sweet, these girls, very submissive to both of us and their feathers are like silk. So, she may be working up to broody, but she is not quite there yet.
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