New chicken pen out of pallets

AWESOME!! Oh my goodness that is amazing!! THANKS for sharing your pics! GREAT JOB!! Can't wait to see the pictures with chicken viewing...
Holy Smokes!!!! You built a chicken Fort Knox!!! If you get that top covered you are going to be set! Sasquatch would have a hard time getting in.
Humm ... dogs are finger-licking good to coyotes.

Put wire over the top and electric fence around the base of the coop and run.
Oh! and hope the coyotes get the fox.
Humm ... dogs are finger-licking good to coyotes.

Put wire over the top and electric fence around the base of the coop and run.
Oh! and hope the coyotes get the fox.

Never seen a coyote take out a dog that is a lot bigger than the coyote.. Lol.. They might snatch one of those small breeds that you can put in your Probably would just think it's a rabbit or little rat or something.. Ha ha.. I would love to see one try my bulldog.. That means I would have one less coyote running around. :)
Yes the more everyone talks about climbers.. I think I will cover it. I was planing on that from the beginning but decided I would try the fishing line first. But the more people talk I think I will go back to the other idea and get a few 1x4's and lay them across the top the roll out chicken wire across... We all call it the chicken
Is there a thread that has pallet coop pics posted? If not, we should start a thread and have everyone who has built a coop or a run with pallets post their pics. Would be great to see everyone's own creation.

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