New chicken pen out of pallets

Thanks.. 34 pallets in all. The only reason I thought of this was. I went to get my son some pallets to build him a fort in the woods. He was having trouble taking them apart with out breaking the wood. Then I thought why not just screw them together to make a fort. My next thought was I could make some deer blinds out of them. Then I thought (bing)!! ya know It would make a good fence for the chickens! I was only going to go 1 and half high. But once I put 2 ontop of each other it was just the right height for me to walk under and still seemed pretty sturdy. They are not heavy at all.. They are really thin light wood. Perfect for fencing. But could never really build a sturdy coop or building out of.. I'm still looking for the heavy stuff to build another coop and a little shed out of...
Yeah everyone with a bull dog, pit bull or some other type of fighting dog believes they have the meanest baddest dog in the world. Dogs fight by biting necks or the other dogs mouth ... coyotes travel in packs and while your dog may grab the coyote by the neck ... the second coyote will rip his stomach open.
Build a tight coop and run with wire on the ground to prevent critters from digging under and wire on top to stop climbers. An electric barrier would also be advisable as some have mentioned.
Yeah everyone with a bull dog, pit bull or some other type of fighting dog believes they have the meanest baddest dog in the world. Dogs fight by biting necks or the other dogs mouth ... coyotes travel in packs and while your dog may grab the coyote by the neck ... the second coyote will rip his stomach open.
Build a tight coop and run with wire on the ground to prevent critters from digging under and wire on top to stop climbers. An electric barrier would also be advisable as some have mentioned.

Didn't say it was a bad It's not a pit bull it's an American bulldog... Look them up... Please! I have lived among coyotes all my life. Never once lost a dog to a coyote. Infact I had a few rabbit beagles that would sometimes pick the scent of a coyote and start chasing it instead of the rabbit. Never once did that bad coyote turn and take the beagle There are places in the united states that are so remote. That no one has fenced in dogs. As the case where I grew up. Never once in my years did I hear of anyone loosing a full size dog to a pack of coyotes.. Now I have heard of people that live near the city where the food source gets low. And have lost there little poodle or something of that nature. But A coyote does not go for anything it thinks it might not handle. Infact they rarely go after full grown deer. Only the smaller ones.
Yes on the far side or back side there is a door made from guess what pallets...haha... 2 pallets on top of each other. 2 regular house door hinges for each pallet. I will take pics and post so you can see. It swings in so I can control the chickens before they try to get out.
Great job on your run!! Excellant way to recycle!!

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