New Englanders! Much ado about New England!

Aw yeah, my parents wanted to put a heating pad in but it wouldn't have done much on the roosts anyway and the coop is too small for a heat lamp. They hated being inside with no roost though (didnt set one up) and were eager to get back outside. Definitely not bothered.

One of mine does seem to have a tiny bit of frostbite though but not from that cold. And another i noticed the other day had. red bloody almost thing on her beak.

So I just made a thread about New England breeders, the idea was to maybe make sort of a central list type thing instead of having to dig through while threads. It really hasn't had any activity since I posted it late last night and so it was suggested to me that I post about it in the various New England threads.

Sooooo, if you're interested, please check it out and share what you breed and whatnot :)
Time-traveling couple with 'historical coop' in New Hampshire!

By: countryladyNH
Posted a few minutes ago • Last updated a few minutes ago • 1 view • 0 comments
Hi! We live in NEW HAMPSHIRE
We are historical reenactors living in a little 240 yr. old house that has been a DIY labor of love to restore for over 17 years. We JUST got chickens for the first time---4 English buff orpingtons, and put up a coop. We have just finished building our own fence of trees we cut down, and have 'tricked out' our purchased coop with period style hardware and 'leaded' windows, and a few other things such as swing-out branch perches, to go with our old New Hampshire house. My husband thought our fence was reminiscent of the stockade fences at Plimoth Plantation or Jamestown, etc., and we had a piece of highly-weathered 18thc. board, and a 17thc. 'Brit' flag---since we do that type of reenacting. Hubby has a degree in illustration and design, and is creative and quirky. He said the fence reminded him of an old fort...SO...what did we do???
Well, created one, of course! We made our flag pole from a tree we cut down, and hubby hand painted 'FORT ORPINGTON' in 17thc. font on the old board, which we affixed to the fence around our coop and run! We think it looks just grand with our home and the old-time lifestyle we live---(Yes, that is us in the avatar photo!)
See our old home and more of our coop here:
[email protected]
(Check out our TOUR page!)

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Hi! We live in NEW HAMPSHIRE!
We are historical reenactors living in a little 240 yr. old house that has been a DIY labor of love to restore for over 17 years. We JUST got chickens for the first time---4 English buff orpingtons, and put up a coop. We have just finished building our own fence of trees we cut down, and have 'tricked out' our coop with period style hardware and 'leaded' windows to go with our old New Hampshire house. My husband thought our fence was reminiscent of the stockade fences at Plimoth Plantation, etc., and we had a piece of highly weathered 18thc. board, and a 17thc. 'Brit' flag---since we do that type of reenacting. Hubby has a degree in illustration and design, and is creative and quirky. He said the fence reminded him of an old fort...SO...what did we do???
Well, created one, of course! We made our flag pole from a tree we cut down, and hubby hand painted 'FORT ORPINGTON' in 17thc. font on the old board, which we affixed to the fence around our coop and run! We think it looks just grand with our home and the old-time lifestyle we live---(Yes, that is us in the avatar photo!)

I'm Lovin' that fence and gate!
I know this thread is kinda dead but figured I'd try anyway for those not from MA like on the other thread. Besides, we should get this one restarted :p i too love that fence and gate and everything about that coop. Hope it's working out well.

Anyhow, my friend's friend is trying to get rid of a rooster asap details below

My friend's friend is getting rid of his rooster if anybody wants a rooster! She just texted me so i took screenshots of all the info but basically he's a Silkie and he wants $20 or to trade for a Silkie hen. He's moving to Vermont. And I just talked to my friend on the phone too and apparently he's also getting rid of his 3 ducks, those are $20 too and all males I think. She thinks they might be muscovies but she's not really sure. 2 of them fly and one doesn't anymore so I'm thinking they might possibly be something else but don't know. She's going to try to get pictures of them. So yeah. If anyone wants one just tell me and I'll tell my friend and/or put you in contact with one of them. Thanks.







Thanks so much! We do have a lot of fun with our 'historical adventures'!

No problem! It definitely seems fun! Wish we had stuff like that here. ell, we probably do but I've never really looked into it. Not even sure if I'd like reenacting and dressing up myself but I do like watching it

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