New Incubator and Temps.

Congrats! I was trying to find the article that is highly recommended for hatching. My biggest piece of advice is try not to worry too much. It's very hard. As far as the temps I think it's ok. As another poster suggested have you checked your humidity? That is just as important. I'm out running around right now but the article/post was by Sally sunshine?
Ya the humidity is showing 49 percent.
Remember...... it's always best to run the incubator a bit lower in temps than to run it higher. Lower temps will still hatch your eggs albeit a day or 2 late sometimes, but running it in high temp will kill them. Like say, you're unsure if the temp is accurate enough... instead of running it at 100 degrees (which might actually be 3-4 degrees off, which will be your eggs at 104 or so), instead run it at 98 degree. Cuz baybay to you, all I am..... is the Invisible Man!! Uhhhh, Ohhhh, yeahhh. :p

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