New Jersey

Thank you lana10213
Stano pulled through for me
Glad I can help!
So, I noticed there have been no NJ Chickenstocks in the last coupla' years. I'd offer, but I don't have a great space for animals - only people. Besides, I hosted one at my other house several years ago, so it's someone else's turn.

Anyone? Bueller?
I would do it, but frankly, I am not comfy with allowing a bazillion foreign chicken cooties on my property. No offense anyone, but after picking up some terrible chicken plague from the fair one year, I have been particular about biosecurity.

Maybe one of the tractor supply companies? Or a local feed store? We have one near hear that has a great lot and would probably allow us to use it. I am waaaaay up north though, nearly NY, so it might be better to find something a bit more central.
I think having people bring poultry to your yard is a big mistake. I'd be more inclined to meet up in a neutral location, that way nothing is left behind in my yard, just in case. Just my opinion. You also shouldn't have anyone walk into your yard without spraying shoe bottoms with Tek-Trol or Virkon (I use virkon). Also if you do visit a fair or farm you can spray your shoes and be sure not to track anything to your home. I had a huge loss last year, so I have learned my lesson. The farm store or Tractor Supply would be the best bet.
We looked into having chicken stock at a park years ago and it seemed like a good option. Maybe something to look into?

I hosted one at my house years ago and it was tons of fun. I wondered if people still had chicken stocks!
We looked into having chicken stock at a park years ago and it seemed like a good option. Maybe something to look into?

I hosted one at my house years ago and it was tons of fun. I wondered if people still had chicken stocks!

I was thinking of yours, and mine, which is what made me realize there hadn't been one in many years. That was a ton of fun!

I suppose we could look into a Tractor Supply. Anyone know if it costs anything? The idea of hanging out on hot pavement in the summer doesn't thrill me, I have to admit.

You have to be careful with parks - I don't think the ones near me would be crazy about having people show up with a bunch of chickens unannounced. The problem is, if you announce it, they either say no, or charge you a fee.
What is a chicken stock?

It's a big chicken-lovers party. Folks can bring their birds to swap, sell, or just show off. Everyone brings some food or drink to contribute, and we just hang and talk about chickens all day. Like a poultry show, without the stress and time constraints of showing. Usually held at farms or other large properties.

Check out the Chickenstock threads from other states under that category in the Social section of the forums. That will give you a good idea what they're about.

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