New Moon on November 20th ~


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 30, 2009
Well, My teen DD is very very happy ~ I made a stop my the movie theater earlier today and purchased a couple of tickets for the midnight showing of New Moon on November 20th... I swear ~ that entire Saga was the only set of very long books that actually got her to sit down and read and read and read ~ without complaining! Amazing!

I have to say that I too got engrossed by the books and finished all 4 in less than a week....

Our AMC theater is having a 9 PM showing of Twilight (at half price of normal tickets) and the more I think about it ~ I am probably going to get tickets to that also ~ cuz when it ends we will already have the seats that we want for the Midnight show of New Moon ~

I am a nerd ~ I know ~ but the theater has stadium seating ~ and my favorite seats are the "loveseat" seats located right above the stairways ~ That way I am not sitting on top of the screen and I am not being smothered by the tons of people that are sure to be there that night ~

Now we just have to wait the 3 weeks til the movie
I hate to read... that being said I was talked into reading the first book and finished it in a week! I'm now into Eclipse and can't stop.
Can't say I like the acting but that did't stop me from watching Twilight enough to have it memorized in less than two weeks.
I know what you mean about the acting ~ that being said ~ I went in to see Twilight
expecting to be disappointed... It is the same with all books that I have ever read ~ that were made into movies ~ when the director/screen writers take their artistic liberties ~ you loose some of the impact that the books have....

But ~ I love Twilight even with the differences....
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I have read all 4 books 4 times! I have seen the movie about a dozen times, and I had planned on being at the midnight showing BUT I am having surgery on the 16th and I cant take a chance on someone bumping my leg at the theatre and I dont think they would let me sit in 2 or 3 seats to prop my leg (I dont want to use a wheel chair) Soooo we will be waiting to see it! Sighhhh, my niece was taking herself, my 8 yr old dd, my sister and herself. Dang surgery (I have put my surgery off for as long as I can)

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