New puppy dying of Parvo... (BOWEL MOVEMENT PICTURES WARNING)

My vet was closed today, I couldn't take her
We're out of money to spend barring the visit that is scheduled as a follow-up for Saturday. Please also keep in mind I am driving a 12 y/o car with 206,350 miles that needed work this month too, literally 3 days before all this happened. My next paycheck doesn't land in my bank account for another 2 1/2 weeks.

I have been tending to her around the clock keeping her hydrated and "fed." She's been on beef broth, a concoction of orange juice and pepto bismol, canine electrolyte from TSC called "bounce back," pedialyte, peppermint/chamomile tea, promethazine for vomiting suppression and spectam to eliminate the chance of her getting any staph/E. Coli infections.

She's stopped vomiting, gotten up by herself three times unassisted to move to another sleep spot, and she has not had any bowel movements today after this morning's oil spill. I am doing what I can for this dog, but please understand I am $900+ in the hole for her and I am broke as of this point working with everything I've got in my cabinets all day and evening. I have not left the house in 2 days as of this point, barring buying groceries -- mostly items for her.
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If you cannot afford hospitalization please ask your vet about selling you a bag of lactated ringers to give her subcutanious fluids instead of iv fluids. This should cost $20 and could very easily save her life. She is a small breed dog and needs more then broth but it sounds like you are getting calories into her via pedialite and the canine products. Think calories but bland. You dont want her going into hypoglycemia too.
I'd keep her diet as simple as possible. That's quite a concoction, and I understand the desire to try everything to help her, but in combination they may not do any good and actually make her digestive system worse.
I'm feeding all of those things seperately btw...every few hours she gets something different. On top of all this I am required to give the promethazine and spectam 3x/day. They also have her on albon for coccidia but everything I am reading is saying to worry about de-worming/de-toxing parasites later after the dog's immune system is reestablished.
If the appointment is a follow up visit there should not be a charge. Follow up visits are usually just that and have already been paid for.

Get you little back there for the appointment.

Good luck and keep us informed. My prayers are with you.
I am so sorry your going through that, it's heart wrenching just to read about it. I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery to you little one.
One thing, if she is taking pepto bismol, that can (WILL) turn her stools black. VERY black. However, it also contains aspirin so it could increase any internal bleeding.

I hope she gets better.
I'm feeding all of those things seperately btw...every few hours she gets something different. On top of all this I am required to give the promethazine and spectam 3x/day. They also have her on albon for coccidia but everything I am reading is saying to worry about de-worming/de-toxing parasites later after the dog's immune system is reestablished.

You need to go ahead and give her the albon. She doesn't need to have to fight a parasitic infection on top of the parvo. When her immune system is low is the time you really need to worry about treating those things or they will take over.

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