New York mini chickenstock 2016

anyone interested in buff orpington ducklings let me know i will be selling what i have left of my last hatch. please message me as i do not always check the threads!
located in catskill ny.
Hi, there! I read that you said that you have no room to start seeds, but have you ever done this? Around April 15 is when I plant. Cheap and your only limit is outdoor sunny space. I wrote the article, so if you have questions, please ask! Doing a workshop this Saturday, too. Maybe it will help you out!


Before I read this I thought of it differently .Thanks for the ideas
.I was thinking you cut off the bottom of the milk jug ....plant the seeds in the ground ..and put the top of the milk jug on top ..
Right now our garden is the chicken area I am anxiously awaiting starting seeds ...this way I can put it right in the garden & they cant get to it ..
As it gets big enough ..I can take of the jug & fence the area in ..
I think I will keep the caps as if it does get cold ...I can close it up
So I'm not going to be able to make it to this, but Metella is going and is willing to pick stuff up for me and bring some things from me if anyone wants anything. I will quite possibly have ayam cemani hatching eggs and maybe chicks, mixed eggs from my egg layer flock that have a good chance of hatching frizzle chicks, and possibly some khaki campbell and welsh harlequin ducklings if anybody is interested. I can also do chicks from my flock if anyone is dying for a frizzle or EE chick, etc. I could hatch them for you and send them along with Metella.
So I'm not going to be able to make it to this, but Metella is going and is willing to pick stuff up for me and bring some things from me if anyone wants anything. I will quite possibly have ayam cemani hatching eggs and maybe chicks, mixed eggs from my egg layer flock that have a good chance of hatching frizzle chicks, and possibly some khaki campbell and welsh harlequin ducklings if anybody is interested. I can also do chicks from my flock if anyone is dying for a frizzle or EE chick, etc. I could hatch them for you and send them along with Metella.

Im interested in welsh harliquin chicks. I have some eggs in the bator now but not confident I will get much, fingers crossed tho. How much and do you sell them sexed? I would want them close to day olds as possible. Let me know, thanks!
Im interested in welsh harliquin chicks. I have some eggs in the bator now but not confident I will get much, fingers crossed tho. How much and do you sell them sexed? I would want them close to day olds as possible. Let me know, thanks!

I plan to put the eggs in mid to end of next week so they'd be about a week old around chickenstock time. They'll be straight run and I'd be asking $3 each for them. I may or may not have extras to sell - don't count your ducklings before they hatch and all that :p But I can definitely let you know if you're interested.
Don't put the caps on the jugs - even if the temp drops. As long as you place them in all day full sun, they will be fine. Just water once when you first plant and if there are draught conditions peek in to see if the soil is dry. If so, open the lid and water gently and evenly, then reaffix the tape. Truly, do not put the cap on. Good luck!

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