New York mini chickenstock 2016

dogs and drinks are on the list. Luv is bringing cases of water, Metella is bringing tea or lemonade and boskelli is bringing dogs with buns and all the fixins. 1 desert and I'm making one as well. I can make some homemade burger buns. If need be I can swipe some hay bales from next door for extra seating.

Thanks for that! I somehow missed the hot dogs, water, and lemonade on my own list, lol. So that would leave hamburger as what we need. Raffle tickets I think you could buy right on Amazon, here's a link:

I can't believe I forgot about stuff I had added to the list :th That'll teach me to post without double checking!
Thanks for that! I somehow missed the hot dogs, water, and lemonade on my own list, lol. So that would leave hamburger as what we need. Raffle tickets I think you could buy right on Amazon, here's a link:

I can't believe I forgot about stuff I had added to the list :th That'll teach me to post without double checking!
That's ok. I have 2 notebooks dedicated to chickens. 1 is every detail about every bird, every egg sale every feed purchase and all that. The 2nd notebook is dedicated to everything chickenstock, names, breeds, food, times. You in fact were on the list of attendees then removed now your there again.

However if it weren't for my 9 year old and your very accurate list I would be lost.
We can bring our own chairs. I also forgot, we bought a portable gas grill last year if you need more cook space. Worked great for having daughters bday party at a park.

Does anyone have Australorp eggs?
We can bring our own chairs. I also forgot, we bought a portable gas grill last year if you need more cook space. Worked great for having daughters bday party at a park.

Does anyone have Australorp eggs?
I will have 2 grills here for the day so we should be ok. Plus if I need to I will go get my other neighbors grill.

Australorp spitz babies I have and australorp orpington I have. I can collect australorp eggs if you like or you can pick a few of the babies, only 7 hatched 1 is a RIR baby so 6 you could choose from.They are 24-36 hours old right now. If not no biggie their cat will snuggle them.
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Hey, I'm starting some peafowl eggs today too
Good luck with the goose egg, they require much more attention than other eggs. You also have to weigh them every week. If it hatches you'll need to get another gosling because they are very social and need a friend of their own species.

I should be hatching 6 colored Sebastopol this week if all goes well. it looks like the peafowl and goose incubating is very similar. thanks!
I should be hatching 6 colored Sebastopol this week if all goes well.  it looks like the peafowl and goose incubating is very similar.  thanks!

I love sebbies :love If I hadn't settled on roman tufteds that would be the breed I work with. You'll have to post pictures!
Did I Officially say Im Coming ? I need the address though
I can bring Hamburg ...3 -6 pounds ?

I will bring Spearmint Plants ( Organic ) I havent used chemicals in the yard since chickens ...
Great for near coops and tea in the winter
Boskelli - ? The comfrey is Growing I will bring you some .$5.00
I may have rose of sharon Baby Trees and some Lucifer Crocosmia - a bright red tall summer crocus 36- 42 " when grown

Gramma - plum tree (free from last year) oh Goodie Thanks for Baby sitting it )
Id Prefer 2 maran chicks ..but if they dont work out eggs
will do 6 eggs at $2 each (2 Marans, 2 splash, 2 AB)
I still have the adult Swedish Flower Hen flock, as they didn't sell yesterday. So, I'll bring them to Chickenstock. The young SFH started chicks are already on hold for a BYC'r or were sold yesterday.

There's still several started Catskill Homesteader pullets that I'll be bringing, between now & then I'll try to get better photos. Plus younger chicks as next hatch is due the 20th.
Will there be a place I can plug in their heating pad or light? I'd give them to one of my many broodies, but most of them are sitting on duck eggs!
I just bought some Sapphire -Super Blue egg layer hatching eggs. they are white leghorn crossed with legbars. is this the same mix as the AB!
I had fun at the auction in Bath today. I got the super blue egg layer eggs, lavender orpington eggs, button quail eggs, Blue laced red Wyandotte eggs, and even a mix of Peacock eggs! there were pilgrim geese and some African geese and one of them laid an egg and I asked to have that before I left as well! score!!
Nope - they are totally different - and the leghorn in the AB back ground is brown leghorn - which is probably why they often throw a nice grey (lavender). They can also throw a black - which is connected to a native South American breed. :) Similar principal - I am sure. Some of the other breeders have blacks in their lines.

Now - if I could just find that actual purple egg layer .....

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