New York mini chickenstock 2016

Mcdermottm - I was lucky - I saw the signs early ( have dealt with broody hens for 5 years now) and also when she went into Jail - it was turning cold and dark - one day of jail and 3 of snow showers and dark skies seemed to do the trick ... now waiting to see if she gives an egg again soon ! :)

Gramma - put me down for 2 bunches of spearmint and one of the flowers :) I am determined to have NO lawn to mow - and mint should be good for that ! :)
Yeah - that is worse than an early broody - at least she will stick to it - and I have seen chicks do fine with an experienced momma even when the night gets frosty ....

but nothing worse than finally allowing a broody to have eggs - and have her bug out once they start developing !
Yeah - that is worse than an early broody - at least she will stick to it - and I have seen chicks do fine with an experienced momma even when the night gets frosty ....

but nothing worse than finally allowing a broody to have eggs - and have her bug out once they start developing !

Well - I have one Millie who has decided to go broody and she is quite diligent so far. The only thing is all her sisters have decided to join her! Every night I pick the other up and put them to bed, one is trying to hatch a plastic egg!

I also have 1 RIR who is broody, so I gave her a couple of Millie eggs to sit on - who knows?
Picture time! These are mostly from eggs hatched from @Susieq2015. A few have a legbar dad, the white with black spots. The rest EE dad and mixed hens. I'm guessing on what the hens are. If anyone is interested in some let me know. I plan on keeping some but haven't committed yet. I'm thinking of keeping a turken and one of the greyish chicks.

Sapphires from her legbar pen

Maybe buff brahma these colors


Lots of varying shades of chipmunks. Gotta love the puffy cheeks

Black australorp?


These are EE Turkens I got from someone on BYC.



And a little buff silkie

Super cute! I especially love the NNs. Will you be selling any? Do you have any pictures of Curly?

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