New York mini chickenstock 2016

I can bring my stuff - we tried to do a processing demo last year, but never set a time. If you want to do this,
let's agree on a time, so that anyone who's interested can join in watching.
I can show you how to skin, unless you want to heat up water & hand pluck. My homemade plucker isn't portable.
perfect!!! Yes skinning please. How about 130 to introduce Bob to the party?
Yes, still in the egg form. None have hatched yet & all hatching eggs are currently under broody hens/ducks. Knowing me, they'll probably hatch next week!
But, we're close enough, we can always arrange for that later one when they do hatch.
how many eggs do you have that you could bring and how much would you like for them?
@Chicken girl 15

1:30 sounds good - I'll plan on that. I'll bring another shirt, too, so there's no splatters! Oh, do you have a tree or "stand" I could screw into for the "station"? It's small, but need a solid surface.
And I'd need a bucket of water to rinse knives & hands. A garbage bag or bin for the feathers & guts. During the summer months, I just compost them, but not sure what you want to do. It can't be left out for long or it'll attract flies, esp with these temps.

As far as the duck eggs, I've never transported eggs that are currently partially developed, I'd think it'd be risky. It might work, but they'd have over an hour without a heat source.
I think there might be a few ducks still laying, but I think they're hiding their eggs, because I've not found them. I thought the first duck to start sitting would have hatched by now, but she's still sitting. So, I don't think I'll be able to bring eggs or ducklings. :(
@Chicken girl 15

1:30 sounds good - I'll plan on that. I'll bring another shirt, too, so there's no splatters! Oh, do you have a tree or "stand" I could screw into for the "station"? It's small, but need a solid surface.
And I'd need a bucket of water to rinse knives & hands. A garbage bag or bin for the feathers & guts. During the summer months, I just compost them, but not sure what you want to do. It can't be left out for long or it'll attract flies, esp with these temps.

As far as the duck eggs, I've never transported eggs that are currently partially developed, I'd think it'd be risky. It might work, but they'd have over an hour without a heat source.
I think there might be a few ducks still laying, but I think they're hiding their eggs, because I've not found them. I thought the first duck to start sitting would have hatched by now, but she's still sitting. So, I don't think I'll be able to bring eggs or ducklings. :(
Yes I have a tree a bucket and a bucket for guts and feathers.

ok. No sad face. I will just let him know it will be a week or so. He will still buy them.
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Okay, so, I think I've got all the stuff I said I'd bring. Plates and napkins for the potluck, a dozen EE/OE eggs for the auction, a dozen EE eggs and a dozen AC eggs for McDermott, and guinea eggs for chicken girl. If I'm supposed to bring anything else for anybody, let me know.
Yes I have a tree a bucket and a bucket for guts and feathers.

ok. No sad face. I will just let him know it will be a week or so. He will still buy them.
Thanks - just wanted to make sure I didn't need to bring that stuff, as we're trying to fit everything into a car.

I don't know exactly when they're due, but eventually I'll have lots of ducklings if all the eggs hatch!

Id be interested to see how to process too

Great! It's a skill worth learning, especially when you end up with extra cockerels.
Oh, one more thing - I won't be bringing any turkey poults - sold out already! They weren't due to hatch until today, but they hatched early.
But, a repeat customer decided they wanted them all!
So, I'll only have hatching turkey & chicken eggs, if anyone is interested.
Plus, the few extra pullets & chicks beyond what has been reserved by @akaruby & @Susieq2015 .
Pasta salad, hatching eggs for raffle, etc

See you all tomorrow!
I am bringing a cooler with water and ice...looks like it's gonna be a warm one! And for the raffle, the cookies are a no go, have put together a bottle of sangria, cups and coaster set.
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