New York mini chickenstock 2016

Got the bator running and eggs resting tonight, set in the morning!
Thanks to all for a great time! Kiddo was passed out by the time we got to the Rt 88 intersection.
I hope she's ok.

My mother in laws idea of an emergency is not what everyone else would consider and emergency - it was more like a mild panic attack combined with being lonely. She's fine, just feeling needy. She lives in NYC (about 4 hours away) and hubby decided to stay with her through the weekend.

I'm going to remain upbeat and just be pleased that I got so many projects accomplished today!
Woohoo!!! Yall are great people and today was FANTASTIC.. @Pyxis I wish I would have given you both little bunnies, they were gifted to me (all 4) by the owner. @myfivegirls thank you for the demo today. Bob is resting in the fridge. @boskelli1571 I have the most fantastic arm candy, all 3 are so lovely. @PhoredaBurdsthe babies are settled in nicely to the growing out cage and tomorrow night the beautiful trio will be put to roost with the others, they mingled a bit this evening with no issues. @tao chick the pair of needy babies fits awesome with the teens and bunnies.

I think I covered all live critters and thank you @Pyxis@PhoredaBurds@Metellafor the eggs they are sitting for the night then tomorrow it's time to start the count down.

To everyone who was here THANK YOU for coming, today was great.
It was such a great time today! So happy to have met everyone, and now I must get some spitz...haubens? Awesome Mohawk chickens, lol! Ma loved it and our new buddy is enjoying his time out of the box and in the yard. Cannot wait for the next meet up!!!
Help!!! So now I have Guinea eggs and chicken eggs both needing incubating. From what I can see I start the Guinea eggs 5 days before the chicken. Is it still 102 for the temp in a still air Bator? I want the best hatch possible.
Hi everyone! It was great to meet you all yesterday, we had loads of fun. We got home at ten. The little one took a long nap in the car and drooled all over his brother.
I think the next chickens I get will be spitzhaubens, too. I really like the way they look. Are they good layers? That would be icing on the cake. However I would have to wait a few years to get them. Unless I win the lottery and buy a place with I big yard
Thank you so much for organizing this, chicken girl!
Help!!! So now I have Guinea eggs and chicken eggs both needing incubating. From what I can see I start the Guinea eggs 5 days before the chicken. Is it still 102 for the temp in a still air Bator? I want the best hatch possible.

Guineas take 26-28 days to hatch, so starting them 5 to 7 days before the chicken eggs is a good idea :) Temp is 101.5 in a still air for them just like with chickens. Let me know how they do! I've got all my eggs set except the duck eggs, which I'll be sneaking into Lacie's nest shortly.
Hi everyone! It was great to meet you all yesterday, we had loads of fun. We got home at ten. The little one took a long nap in the car and drooled all over his brother.
I think the next chickens I get will be spitzhaubens, too. I really like the way they look. Are they good layers? That would be icing on the cake. However I would have to wait a few years to get them. Unless I win the lottery and buy a place with I big yard
Thank you so much for organizing this, chicken girl!
the spitzhauben are good layers, very social and non aggressive. I now have 7 and a dozen going to the incubator.

I am happy you had a good time. I enjoyed meeting you and your family.
Guineas take 26-28 days to hatch, so starting them 5 to 7 days before the chicken eggs is a good idea :) Temp is 101.5 in a still air for them just like with chickens. Let me know how they do! I've got all my eggs set except the duck eggs, which I'll be sneaking into Lacie's nest shortly.
thank you. I am so excited about all my new critters, even Jon said we might be able to host here again. As long as I don't buy too many birds. 11 birds and 3 dozen eggs isn't that much is it?

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