New York mini chickenstock 2016

Duckie and his wife's (when I get them) will have their own "coop" in the growing out pen as long as is safe.

The Guinea eggs are another story. They have a coop all their own about 3 acres out. They will have a run ,fully enclosed before they go. They roost as high as they can get right?

Mine sleep on the roost in the chicken coop, but they do like to get up high. Here's a picture of three of mine in a tree:


I'm sure if I had different height levels on the roosts in my coop they'd be on the highest one.

One of my neighbors did something they shouldn't have been doing a few nights ago around dusk and it made the most awful loud banging sound. Had my poor male guinea all worked up and in a pine tree screaming his head off for about ten minutes.
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I mentioned a suicidal pigeon I picked up on my way home from chickenstock. Here he is:

Someone answered my CL found ad w info on a local pigeon guy whose bird it might be. I contacted the very nice pigeon guy & he said it wasn't his bird, but he knew a few people in the area whom the bird might belong. He said he'd house the bird while seeking out his owner. I dropped off the bird this morning with him. He said that it was the right thing to do to pull the bird out of the road. Must have been dehydrated and disoriented. Now he's with some pigeon friends and hopefully one step closer to going home. Yay!
I mentioned a suicidal pigeon I picked up on my way home from chickenstock. Here he is:

Someone answered my CL found ad w info on a local pigeon guy whose bird it might be. I contacted the very nice pigeon guy & he said it wasn't his bird, but he knew a few people in the area whom the bird might belong. He said he'd house the bird while seeking out his owner. I dropped off the bird this morning with him. He said that it was the right thing to do to pull the bird out of the road. Must have been dehydrated and disoriented. Now he's with some pigeon friends and hopefully one step closer to going home. Yay!

Awwwww. Wait! So, no new pet?

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