New York mini chickenstock 2016

The General (my Mille Fleur d'Uccle) is obsessed with getting attention. He even sat on my shoulder while I was doing my evening barn chores. His 2 wife's are just as attached one was on the toe of my boot through barn chores and the other between General and my cheek. I love my arm candy.
The General (my Mille Fleur d'Uccle) is obsessed with getting attention. He even sat on my shoulder while I was doing my evening barn chores. His 2 wife's are just as attached one was on the toe of my boot through barn chores and the other between General and my cheek. I love my arm candy.
I'm glad they are working out for you! They are such pretty birds and talkative too, I love to hear them chattering away.
A few weeks ago when I was shuffling broodies & eggs & chicks, I put some 'dummy eggs' under a broody to keep her broody. The 'dummy eggs' consisted of eggs that had been washed and put in the refridgerator at least 2 weeks prior and then marked with a sharpe "X". I didn't think those eggs would have any chance of development. Well, one of those eggs hatched today and it's a chamois spitz. I think it's name will have to be "Sham-wow" bc wow, washed & refridgerated, that egg sure wanted to hatch! Here's Sham-wow w it's serama friend who is 2 days older:
@Chicken girl 15 be prepared for surprises when your keets hatch. Mine just did and instead of all pearl so far I have one lavender, one pearl, and two unknown colors. Dad must be split to something and not just pearl.
The General (my Mille Fleur d'Uccle) is obsessed with getting attention. He even sat on my shoulder while I was doing my evening barn chores. His 2 wife's are just as attached one was on the toe of my boot through barn chores and the other between General and my cheek. I love my arm candy.

Is that normal behavior for that type of chicken? They're new, right? I wouldn't think they'd be sitting on your shoulder already! Wow. Wish mine would do that. Wait, no I don't! Then I'd have too much laundry to do. They have constantly dirty feet, unless they've been at my mom's, scratching around.
Is that normal behavior for that type of chicken? They're new, right? I wouldn't think they'd be sitting on your shoulder already! Wow. Wish mine would do that. Wait, no I don't! Then I'd have too much laundry to do. They have constantly dirty feet, unless they've been at my mom's, scratching around.

They are very friendly and inquisitive birds, they love to chatter away. Very docile they don't mind being picked up at all!

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