
Mama Farley

Sep 6, 2018
ive had backyard chickens for over a year. Recently, decided to try hatching via bator. Some success, some fails. Almost all the success are the Americanas. We have a Plymouth who lays daily but none of her eggs are hatching. We’ve heard a peep but then nothing. Today is day 24. The peep was about 5 days ago. Any suggestions? Temp is 99.5-100.5 and humidity 65-70%, constantly.
Howdy :frow and Welcome to Backyard Chickens.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but if it pipped 5 days ago, and hasn't hatched, It's probably (dis) died in shell. Your humidity is a little high for "lockdown" should be in the 60 to 65% range. Humidity at 70% and higher can cause multiple problems when hatching chicks.
Wish you the best of luck with your hatching adventures.

Thanks for joining our community! :celebrate
The eggs been on lockdown. This is the 3rd fail on brown eggs. We have three more 3/16, 3/17, 3/17. I’m just wondering if we should be more vigilant? Maybe help? Idk. I did open the box for a second and tap on the egg earlier and no sound or movement.

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