Nigerian Dwarf still birth

6 and 7 kid litters? That is AWESOME!!!!!! I have heard of 6 kids from a single kidding before, but never 7. I posted that they can have up to 5 per kidding, because your case truly does seem to be the exception.

Pics, pretty please?? Also, what line(s) of Dwarves are you running? Because I want some of these for myself, That's so cool! Do you experience kidding issues in your does at all?
We have not kidded our does yet. Those were the circumstances in which they were born. 6 and 7 does pose complications as far as too many mouths to feed. Our wether and one of the does were actually orphaned by the mother and had the breeder not bottle fed then they would have never survived.

We are planning to expose ours next fall/winter. They are just under a year now and we are learning much every day. We want to make sure that we know what we r doing before we get into the kiddin process. I have a 2 year old and 5 year old daughter and to even think about caring for baby goats we need to wait until our own babies are a bit more independent.

We r in the process of researching and considering buck options as we currently do not have one on property.


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Wait so did she have 3 or 4?
You joined same day you posted and have not been seen since. Why ask backyardchickens and not backyardherds?
I have a post on backyard Herds that i posted easily 3 weeks ago and has yet to be replied to. It doesn’t have nearly the traffic that this cite does. I honestly have stopped going there and i put all my farm posts here regardless of the animal .
I love the backyard chicken people! There is always someone ready and willing to help.
@RustyBucketFarmGirl - For goats, the best place I have found is The Goat Spot. It (and the members on it) is amazing and has helped me a great deal.

And to the OP - I am so sorry your doe miscarried. As mentioned it could be any number of things. I would definitely get that buck separated ASAP though. He will breed back your doe right when she comes into heat (which could easily be within a week or two of kidding) if you don't, and that would not be good for the doe to be bred back so soon.

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