No neck? Future problems?


10 Years
Jan 8, 2010
I have a duckling (Call) that doesn't appear to have any neck! Its head is directly on its shoulders. It looks like all the rest of the gang when its resting, because they pull their neck in, but it cannot extend it at all. It is growing all right and can turn its head from side to side and up and down, but I don't think she can extend her head down to her oil gland area or clean herself all over. How much trouble will this be for her in the future? She is still mostly down now, but what about when feathers arrive? Any ideas about whether this is genetic? She looks like a rubber duck on stilts when she walks around.
I would assume it will have problems,but I don't know what. Someone else may. But I want to see a pic
no neck is a good thing in call ducks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you want them to be as petite as possible.. nice wide round bodies and round head short short neck go to call duck website and read some articles of the ideal call ducks

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