No or Low Cholesterol eggs or Chickens


10 Years
Dec 16, 2009
Is there such a thing? I love eggs and would love to have some chickens. Is there a breed of chicken that will lay low or no cholesterol eggs?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
My wife went back to school at 40. She is in a chemistry class. For fun they are going to test a store bought egg.
One of are day old eggs and one of are's thats 2-3 weeks old and see if theres a difference.
Just my opinion. 50-75 years ago we didn't have the health problems we have now. We grew are own food.
Now we have all the fast ready to eat stuff and big drug companys.
It's easy to see were big government gets it's money look at are heath care bill problems.
( just my opinion)

Interesting question, and I have no idea. But they're a lot of folks here who probably do. I will also be watching for answers!
No, an egg is an egg. Always the eggs!

Do not believe anyone that says (even with the Amercuana, Araucanas and EE's) that says little or no cholestrol than their cousins! They are all the same!
Cholesterol is not the enemy we have been taught.
If you have high levels, then you need to make sure you are eating good amounts, and get your hormone levels checked.
If you are not eating enough, the body will also store extra, because it is being deprived.
Little know fact, is that all our hormones, are made from Cholesteral.
If the thyroid and adrenals are not functioning well, then the body is not using and making cholesteral properly.
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It's my understanding that there ARE "lower cholesterol" eggs, but they're fed for it, or something. I'm not real clear on it, and I don't know where to look it up.

I DO know that chickens that get outdoors and scratch in dirt, and get into compost and eat grubs and weeds and greens and things are thought to have eggs with "lower cholesterol."

That said, "they" now say that eggs aren't that bad for you. They're full of all kinds of good nutrients, and if you eat them in moderation they're better for you than if you avoid them. One or two a day will do you more good than harm.

And if you raise your own chickens then you're getting the benefits of relaxation and satisfaction. How can you miss with a formula like that?


Study up, rrarriaga. Lurk around the BYC website and look at lots of chickens. Pick out something you like, and go for the chickens. BYC is fun by itself, but you have to have chickens to brag about, too!
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Free range eggs are lower in cholesterol. Studies have proven that. HOWEVER, cholesterol is a function more of heredity than diet. My own DH has perfect cholesterol and eats at least 4 eggs daily. I don't eat many eggs and my diet is generally good and due to my thyroid issues, I now have cholesterol I must be medicated for. Eggs are a wonderful food and not the villain that we used to be made to believe.
I am pretty sure, the reason pastured chicken eggs have lower cholesteral, is because the chicken is eating what it was created to eat, and the same thing happens to them, as it does to humans.
Feed them soy (phytoestrogen) and to much other grains, and they get imbalanced.
I thought I saw somewere, were a fresh egg was lower in cholesterol.
Keep in mind that the brain needs cholesterol to function.
My wife read a thing were they we trying to link some elzheimers to the pills that remove cholesterol.
I don't care I like fresh eggs. It's all the crap they add to food thats killing us.

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