North Carolina

Gavin&Allison~~ not an expert here, and I won't even guess on Sheba's little one, but the older one looks like it's going to develop into a very nice Splash
Gavin, looks like a splash to me! I'm still yet to hatch one after the last few years, but it may appear my last hatch of 2 silkies BOTH could be splash!

Ruth, everyone looks settled in already! Want another roo?! hehehehe

Ok everyone.... I have a (barred)? cochin bantam roo needing a home. He's really sweet and playful (yes, he's always up to play and gives me the evil stink eye). I also think I have a 1 EE/Cochin pullet to go with him, and 2 Jap Bantam chicks both pullets as well. So all 4 to a really good home. They are between 5 weeks and 7 weeks.
**11 days old**
click the pictures for full size versions

Lacy has 7 babies. Lacy is a pet quality Birchen Cochin. She has 5 Cream Light Brown/Blue Cream Light Brown Dutch, 1 bantam Faverolle, and a Faverolle mix(yellow with black wings).

Pockets is a show quality Bantam Cochin. She has 2 Dutch and 2 from my mixed pets. The black and white is from Baby Oreo and Andy. It will look like oreo if it is a pullet or a B&W Andy if it is a cockerel. The Black is from Andy and Midnight(bottom right corner of pic).

Pockets originally had 7. One Dutch I helped hatch, but really shouldn't have. It had a leg that was fussed bent at the knee and dead below that. There was no way for it to recover, so we put it down. A Dutch was found on it's back dead 10 minutes after I let them out to explore in their 8x10 pen when they were 2 days old. A second Oreo baby died a couple days later from some sickness. The last 4 have been fine since.


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I know I feel the same way, they are pretty Matt. I can't hardly stay inside and do any work because I want to be outside watching Mama and chicks. we have 5 hens with chicks and 2 more to hatch on the 28th. whew hope it will be over then.

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