North East ChickenStock 2011 Sat May 14th

Anyone know the young men with the Lavender Orpingtons (came in at the very end)??
Just LOVE these birds and might be interested in more!

If so, can you please give me their contact info and/or have them contact me on BYC?
We auctioned 2-dozen mixed breed large breed fowl. I am curious to know who bought them and how well did the hatching go any pictures? This past Fathers day I hatched out some eggs from the same group of hens and we ended up with some of the cutest mutts.
Since NH and all points in between are not so far for the PA people to travel
I would LOVE it if you would join us here for our July 2012 Chickenstock!

We would love to see you all. I hear many of you met at past NE stocks. Com on up and see us
It is shaping up to be an awesome one!
We thought about starting some hatching but that is as far as we have gotten. DH is hoping someone will go broody so we don't have to work at chicks. Depending upon when it is and life here, we might hatch some eggs that would be either pure blue/black marans or marans/aurcana: either dark or olive eggers.
To be honest, I wish my pullets eggs from last year's breeding were darker and I don't feel like selling marans that aren't as dark as I'd like.
DD sold some cochin banties last year but lost a lot of her hens over the past season to hawks and such. She got a new selection from a hatchery and will need a year or two to refine her breeding stock before she is ready to sell again.
So unless someone really wants these breeds under these conditions, I don't think we'll be selling this year.

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