Northeast Poultry Congress 2013

Just want to say thanks to everyone for being so friendly and helpful. I'm looking forward to meeting folks at the show. You should be able to easily pick us out of the crowd, as my daughter will be riding a bright red electric scooter and I will be tagging along...hopefully with boxes full of chicks! LOL :D
getting the car packed with boxes and shavings and food tommarrow!!! leaving early Friday morning for CT to be with family then going to the show on Saturday for the first time!!! i am so excited and hope to find some new babies to add to my flock.
Its the first big, round domed building as you walk through the gates on the left. It's where all the livestock shows are for the Big E.
I've never been to Big E, believe it or not. lol I've done lots of horse shows at the fairgrounds but we always stick to the coliseum and C barn area.
I know the building, though. I found a map of the grounds on the Big E website.

getting the car packed with boxes and shavings and food tommarrow!!! leaving early Friday morning for CT to be with family then going to the show on Saturday for the first time!!! i am so excited and hope to find some new babies to add to my flock.
Welcome to CT! "Nice and sloppy" over here right now. lol
I am very excited about going to this show. First time for me also.
going to visit the woodshop where my new coop is being built today...yayyyy! I am so excited to see the show , and will decide when there whether to try hatching some eggs, or purchase some chicks instead!! Depending on what we see! Interested in Marans, Anything frizzled, esp. gray or blue colored, and blue egg layers ( Ameraucauna, Auracana) the tuftier the better, muffs and fluffs etc! lol
I only have a couple splash girls. They are on my facebook page. I really need to sell the boys though, my boy/girl ratio is way off right now. :(

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