Not Sure if You've Got a Pullet or a Cockerel? Click here! thread 3

I posted on a breed specific thread a few days ago, but will try here too. They are approximately 5-6 weeks old, and were bought as pullets. I am concerned about the Barred Rock being a cockerel due to feather color, although she does have the black wash on the legs. Not as concerned about the Easter Egger to her left, but wouldn't mind guesses on her either. Wish I could get better picks, but they are camera shy.
I want to say both pullets, but time will tell :)
pullet close to laying, I think.
It's 7-8 weeks old
Oops... I was wrong then. Most likely a cockerel.
Light Brahma 16 weeks For comparison it's brother, same age: It's Sister. Again same age: So you can see this one in question is pretty much in the middle! The known Roo has had his comb and wattles nice and red for 5 or so weeks now and he crows so no doubt there.
I say slow maturing cockerel

Light Brahma
16 weeks

For comparison it's brother, same age:

It's Sister. Again same age:

So you can see this one in question is pretty much in the middle! The known Roo has had his comb and wattles nice and red for 5 or so weeks now and he crows so no doubt there.
Look at the feathers on the back. The first two may have slightly different amounts of comb development, but they both have male specific saddle feathers. Compare those to the feathers on the back of the pullet.
Need help with gendering my cream legbar chicks.

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