Not Sure if You've Got a Pullet or a Cockerel? Click here! thread 3

I just wanted to confirm what I have in breed and sex. I am kind of new. I had two chickens many years ago that lived over twelve years and now this time around seem frustrating about getting what you order. The oldest one I have now is a week shy of three months old, was suppose to be a pure breed from the place that sexed it to be a pullet. She is white with some spotty black streaks. She is extremely friendly, and did try to be the head of the pen as being the oldest lately she has changed her demeanor on this. Her comb and waddle (sp?) hasn't changed for two weeks but is bright in color now. Does also have small legs, I am hoping is a female, such a wonderful chicken, very sweet.

Sorry I Some how published without finishing, The black chick I pretty sure is a male and the farm is exchanging with a pullet. I was also wondering about the brown chick. I is around 7 weeks old and was told a e/e. Only has one pea on head and no growth so far or color change or waddles yet. But does have large legs? I am pretty sure she is a female, but found her standing off with the black chicken with her neck feathers puffed out. So this scared me thinking if I should be concern?
Is that a rooster or a hen and ideas on breed? Also wanted to know if thats a rose comb or pea comb. Thank you
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