Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

This is a 7 week old OEGB, and I am pretty sure it is a cockerel, but I want to be completely sure. What are your thoughts?
That is what I figured. I thought I heard an attempt at a cockadoodle doo this morning lol, and he is very aggressive toward the other chicks. He is very sweet with people, but not so much with other chickens lol
Just like a boy, he is an energetic adolescent. When the hormones really kick in, around 12-13 weeks, you may find some changes in his temperament.
I have an 11 week old barred rock who is supposed to be a pullet, but I'm not so sure. Can anyone help out?


Also, how accurately can you tell his/her gender just from this picture? If you need any more angles, please let me know! Or is there a way of telling that can't be found from a picture?

Any help is greatly welcomed!

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