Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

I know this buff is really young but my better half is very attached to him or her and the faster I can have an idea of the gender the longer she has to try and prepare herself to possibly find him or her a new home. There seems to be a little more red in the comb to me but I am a newbie at this. I really appreciate the help folks very much so!

Looks like a pullet
Pretty red comb for a pullet of that age. Brahma Roos are very kind but they also have different coloring to an extent so look up photos. Could be a pullet, the comb isn't bigger or anything. don't know if its a light Brahma or buff? Or an oops like someone said lol so don't know what exactly to look for

Hopefully this works some reason im having issues posting pics.
Hopefully these are better pictures, the black and white one has these metallic green colors coming in that you can't see in the picture. I don't know if that makes a difference or not. 8 or so weeks Easter Eggers.

I give up, lol im just not having any luck posting pics

I think the last one in each collage may be a cockerel :oops:. But I'm no pro :).

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