Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

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Fantastic. Before, I was just annoyed by OWS. Now, I despise the movement. It is CLEARLY a bunch of Marxists. I have a sneaking suspicion that I could easily baffle most of them with the most basic of economic history questions.

Can't say I disagree with this statement.
Myself I'm in the 53%
Fantastic. Before, I was just annoyed by OWS. Now, I despise the movement. It is CLEARLY a bunch of Marxists. I have a sneaking suspicion that I could easily baffle most of them with the most basic of economic history questions.

Go for it. I'm in the 99%.
I see it at present as a bunch of frustrated people that are there for different reasons. There is no concensus yet of how they think it can be fixed, they just know something is wrong. There are a whole lot of different people there for their own different reasons. Whatever those reasons, they feel strongly about it.

At some point, some leaders will emerge and give it direction. Then it will either take off and become a force or it will fizzle out and something else will come to the fore. Something like the Republican primary. They have not come to a consensus yet and chosen a nominee. When they do, either people will coalesce behind the nominee or they won't.

Q9, you could baffle most people with the Tea Party or the OWS or the general population with the most basic history and economic questions, but some in all groups would do OK.
Fantastic. Before, I was just annoyed by OWS. Now, I despise the movement. It is CLEARLY a bunch of Marxists. I have a sneaking suspicion that I could easily baffle most of them with the most basic of economic history questions.

Go for it. I'm in the 99%.

Ninety nine % of what and who? I'm the 1/15,000,000,000% A collective of one. Right now, I could probably qualify for every govt. handout, available, due to my current income. Well, except for those free 99 weeks of unemployment, because I'm self employed, for what that's worth.

Let's be honest about most of these people, at these Occupy sites. If they were suddenly transported to the collective lifestyle, which they so proclaim to desire, where everyone pulls their fair share, and no one gets any more than anyone else, the lot of them would starve to death, because as soon as they saw that someone wasn't pulling their weight, instead of working harder, or smacking the lazy person in the head, they'd just sit down and say they aren't doing anything else, until the other person gets back to work.
Have you watched any videos of these crowds? Everything is done by total conscensus and nothing gets done....Lesson #1 True democratic rule fails.

My other observation is that they really don't want a leader, because they don't want anyone telling them what to do. Most of them have grown up, sitting on the couch, playing video games, and when mom said,
Take out the trash, they said, Don't tell me what to do.
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Speaking of percentages I am really not suprised that our congress is now at 9% approval rating. I am pretty sure that if Adolph Hitler made a reappearance that his approval rating could exceed 9%. So, if you think that the frustration and discontent of these OWM movements stand for nothing, then just keep complaining about them, say they stand for nothing, belittle them and fairly soon you will see them in a town near you. Our congress does nothing to help any situation and I am fairly certain that very soon we will have rioting in the streets of many major cities in the US. Oakland is not really an isolated incidence and the more the police try to suppress these movements with violence the worse they will get.

And regarding the comment on "toal consenses" our congress gets nothing done with zero consenses.

As Bob Dylan said, "The times they are a changing"
Here's the sweet irony of the whole thing. The environmental movement, some of which, I am sure, are mixed into the Occupy movement, demanded that we don't do anything to harm or change the environment, in any way. The oil, coal, and gas industries have been harmed financially and logistically, because of that.
What is the end result of that? Fewer jobs....Fewer high paying jobs, which these deadbeat college students, claim to target.

Higher priced fuel, driven by the old concept of supply and demand. Fewer people moving on the streets, and fewer people with truly discretionary money, due to just having enough to drive to the job.

Nobody buying flavored beewax candles and patchouli incense. And yes, I'm an old hippie.

Until the Greenies and their coopted legislators get off their high horse, and face facts, this economy is going to be a snowball headed downhill, instead of a rising tide, which lifts all boats.
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I enjoyed reading that. So true. Some people need to take a trip to South Africa and see the one room "houses" made of corrugated aluminum and insulated with old newspapers to truly understand what poverty is. It seems some people in this country need to reassess what they consider a "want" versus a "need."
I have WHAT in my yard? :

A veterans for Peace member (a former Marine - there is no such thing as an exMarine) was badly injured last night while wearing a T-shrt identifying himself as a vet for peace and with people carrying white flags trying to calm the situation.

Check out Occupy Marines. Or Occupy Police.

This is gonna get "interesting" here soon.

It is sad that he was injured, however as a Marine(Former) I follow orders and when the police asked them to dispurse or leave he did not.....It is sad that he was injured in the way he was and it sounds like a bad brain injury. He should have followed orders and left the area. Just my opinion. There is nothing friendly about friendly fire.​
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