Occupy movement - I'm in the 100%

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How sweet it is. The very people that this bunch of people attempt to embrace, at the ballot box: The homeless, with no ID and convicted felons are now the enemy, because they show up, to help redistribute the wealth. Afterall, why shouldn't everyone be getting fancy freerange chicken and arugala salad with goatcheese.

The irony and hypocracy is over the top. It's like Michael Moore trying to claim that he's not part of the 1%.
From the article:
Some protesters threatened that the high-end meals could be cut off completely if the vagrants and criminals don’t disperse. Unhappiness with their unwelcome guests was apparent throughout the day.

“We need to limit the amount of food we’re putting out” to curb the influx of derelicts, said Rafael Moreno, a kitchen volunteer.

A security volunteer added that the cooks felt “overworked and underappreciated.”

Many of those being fed “are professional homeless people. They know what they’re doing,” said the guard at the food-storage area.

Today, a limited menu of sandwiches, chips and some hot food will be doled out -- so legitimate protesters will have a day to make arrangements for more upscale weekend meals.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/zuccotti_hell_kitchen_i5biNyYYhpa8MSYIL9xSDL#ixzz1c0Ae5Mdc

Wait, I'm not sure I understand. Isn't a pervasive theme among the OWS community the end of capitalism? Is not one of the goals equality? Is not one of the main goals of OWS the institution of a system whose main goal is, "From each according to his ability; to each according to his needs"? Do these very talented cooks want to withhold their abilities? How then will those who have needs be served? Are the needs of the homeless and the recently released (from prison) not important to the majority?
From the article:
Some protesters threatened that the high-end meals could be cut off completely if the vagrants and criminals don’t disperse. Unhappiness with their unwelcome guests was apparent throughout the day.

“We need to limit the amount of food we’re putting out” to curb the influx of derelicts, said Rafael Moreno, a kitchen volunteer.

A security volunteer added that the cooks felt “overworked and underappreciated.”

Many of those being fed “are professional homeless people. They know what they’re doing,” said the guard at the food-storage area.

Today, a limited menu of sandwiches, chips and some hot food will be doled out -- so legitimate protesters will have a day to make arrangements for more upscale weekend meals.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/zuccotti_hell_kitchen_i5biNyYYhpa8MSYIL9xSDL#ixzz1c0Ae5Mdc

Wait, I'm not sure I understand. Isn't a pervasive theme among the OWS community the end of capitalism? Is not one of the goals equality? Is not one of the main goals of OWS the institution of a system whose main goal is, "From each according to his ability; to each according to his needs"? Do these very talented cooks want to withhold their abilities? How then will those who have needs be served? Are the needs of the homeless and the recently released (from prison) not important to the majority?

I think the cooks need to go to the Empathy Table for a group hug.
Snark if you like, but you might be better off taking a good look not only at what they are saying but what they do actually share with the tea party. Stop looking at this as a liberal conservative issue. Those labels are irrelevant.

BOTH groups think corporations have gotten too much power and that the government is no longer working for the people. The Tea partiers tend to want to shrink the government and the OWSers want the government to reign in the corporations. There are common themes. The problem is that both are effectively weakening the government. So, The tea partiers can just sit back and watch while the OWSers do what the tea party has said they wanted all along.

But, I'd be very careful what you wish for, either of you. If you weaken the government you'll get free range global corporations and plutocracy like you've never seen before.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Snark if you like, but you might be better off taking a good look not only at what they are saying but what they do actually share with the tea party. Stop looking at this as a liberal conservative issue. Those labels are irrelevant.

BOTH groups think corporations have gotten too much power and that the government is no longer working for the people. The Tea partiers tend to want to shrink the government and the OWSers want the government to reign in the corporations. There are common themes. The problem is that both are effectively weakening the government. So, The tea partiers can just sit back and watch while the OWSers do what the tea party has said they wanted all along.

But, I'd be very careful what you wish for, either of you. If you weaken the government you'll get free range global corporations and plutocracy like you've never seen before.

The problem is the government has truly become Big Brother. Slapping everyone's hands, who try to get into the cookie jar, all the while, helping itself, every chance it can. It has become its own corporation.

Just because these street occupying do nothings have hung around for weeks, while the Tea Party showed up, stated its case, and went back home, does not make the Occupy crowd the touchstone.

Sorry, but when some 26 year old trust fund baby, who's parents are both lawyers, and himself is a graduate student of Columbia University, screams into the camera about redistributing the wealth or getting a free education, the movement loses any validity.

When the group, as a whole, thinks that they deserve a fancy, chef prepared meal, just because they are part of the original crowd, while someone on the street, should be eating out of a dumpster, or going to a homeless shelter, is the very definition of class warfare. The irony and hypocracy is unpalatable.​
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Snark if you like, but you might be better off taking a good look not only at what they are saying but what they do actually share with the tea party. Stop looking at this as a liberal conservative issue. Those labels are irrelevant.

BOTH groups think corporations have gotten too much power and that the government is no longer working for the people. The Tea partiers tend to want to shrink the government and the OWSers want the government to reign in the corporations. There are common themes. The problem is that both are effectively weakening the government. So, The tea partiers can just sit back and watch while the OWSers do what the tea party has said they wanted all along.

But, I'd be very careful what you wish for, either of you. If you weaken the government you'll get free range global corporations and plutocracy like you've never seen before.

Yes, I am really afraid that "I Have What In My Yard" gets it. It really does not matter what you think these groups are saying, not saying or what you think they represent. The real question is "Do you understand vast unrest and riots?" Gadhafi did not. Not that I think that any movement right now really wants to overthrow the government but they can get loud and violent enough to change the course of our history.

Royd: I must tell you why you have a wrong opinion...it is because you have a wrong point of view. Keep thinking you know that they are all just some sniveling brats and soon they will be in our backyards​
Just a short PS and then I am going to butt out of this thread...

Someone here said that the Marine who was nearly beaten to death by the police....well he should have followed orders and he would not have gotten hurt. I thank God that Marines are trained not to follow illegal orders or the orders of tyrants that seek to do harm to the citizens of this country. That Marine is a hero and I would be willing to stake my life on the fact that the police that caused his injuries will be going to jail. The real problem is that the next time someone in the service is about to get jacked up by the police they will not wait for the blows to the head but they will strike first and everyone around them will join in. Then as someone else here said...then things will begin to get interesting.
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