October-hatch-along 2019

I used to drink a lot of coffee, but I drink dunkin' donuts ice extra extra. I haven't had one for years, sometimes ill get an ice decaf extra extra but it's rare. I'm someone who drinks water all day every day and I don't need anything else.
your welcome. But honestly I had the eggs in the gator before you said that :gig great minds think alike:wee.he's walking around in the broader right now and has gotten a lot stronger.
I was so worried about them yesterday but Here they are being fairly normal. They are eating and drinking and moving about, they slept like uh... babies... last night, and overall I think I learned a lot!


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Remember my red jungle fowl eggs that I gave fluff head in return for her own eggs. And the red jungle fowl eggs never hatched but one . I was able to hatch out her eggs inside in my incubator plus one red jungle fowl. Well a couple nights ago I tried giving her the chicks. But She didn't accept those chicks and by morning she abandoned them:barnie. Well I let her out of the booder.

Any idea s on how to get a mother hen to accept chicks?. The chicks were 5days old could that have been the problem?
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