October-hatch-along 2019

These chickens seriously need to go to auction. 200 birds ALL under a year, most under six months. I go to work to feed them right now.... LOL

what are you planning to do with them? This is pretty off list so feel free to move the conversation elsewhere, but I'm so interested in learning from all of you these different ways of doing things. I thought this spring about raising broilers for myself but I will need a chest freezer first and so there's a bit of time before that would be a smart idea... Also not sure how easy it would be for me to process them or process processing them LOL. anyway...
Right, electric fencing won't save me from these animals.. I don't know their names in English so I am posting pictures. Plus rats.

what is their name in bulgarian? We can use google translate, they look beautiful but very deadly to chickens. Stoat? Mongoose? Does burying the wire at the bottom of the yard help at all?

I always thought of chicken tractor as something to use during the day, but some ppl do put a little coop at one end of it, like making it a movable run. I think there is so much more potential with design to make chicken tractors do different things - lighter house materials while still animal proof would allow you to keep birds safe at night while still movable, etc. etc.
I set 10 shipped eggs from a breeder up in North Texas yesterday morning. She had shipped 11 but USPS took one. Hatch day should be the 23rd. The eggs came from her LF Black and Blue Sumatras with the rooster being a Black Sumatra. Looking forward to this hatch and grow out as she raises some very nice longtailed fowl.
Seems this clutch was DOA again. Thank you USPS.
That's awful. Do the companies have any guarantee?
They are privet eBay sellers:th. Hatcherys are expensive and I don't want to ship chicks across United States. :( the wife should be messaging the ebay seller soon . But if she doesn't I will do it myself. I did an egg topsy yesterday. And all were killed during shipment.:he
Another problem is the hatcherys will only sell in bulk . I don't really want to buy25 chicks for 87$ .
They are privet eBay sellers:th. Hatcherys are expensive and I don't want to ship chicks across United States. :( the wife should be messaging the ebay seller soon . But if she doesn't I will do it myself. I did an egg topsy yesterday. And all were killed during shipment.:he
Another problem is the hatcherys will only sell in bulk . I don't really want to buy25 chicks for 87$ .
Hmmm have you ever tried looking on craigslist or something like that for someone that's local to you?

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