Ended Official BYC Contest - Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall/Winter 2014

Is he leashed at the leg to something?


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All other breeds.

This is Gilda, one of my two Rhode Island Reds. I also have a Black Sex Link. Gilda is the only one molting so far.


This is Dixie during her first molt earlier this spring. I thought she had a tumor cause I'd never seen a crop uncovered before. She is a Partridge Rock. I enter her in the "other" category.
So after being gone all day yesterday, I see something in my pen and think someone has broke in and dumped some strange chicken. Nope. One of the rocks decided molt.

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She lost more feathers. The poor thing. So another picture of her

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I no longer keep track of what kind of chickens we have, we have too many
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