Ended Official BYC Contest - Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall/Winter 2014

Does anyone know why some birds have a bad molt? Do you think its because the are / were ill. Or maybe something like a change in the weather (temp, season etc).

I have chickens for years and none every looked like these pictures. The worst they get is they loose most of their tails for a few weeks.

If they are deprived of food in anyway, it can force them into a hard molt. I've had a situation where we were gone for a week and one hen made another hen's life miserable and kept her away from food. In that short time, she started a hard and ugly molt.

I had another time where I bought one of those treadle feeders. I followed the directions and all the hens got it but one. I figured the one would get on board. But it turns out she was simply terrified of the movement. It forced her into a hard molt too.
Category: Other Breed
Crazy Eyes- 3 1/2 year old Jersey Giant hen

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Most of mine are already done, and the two that aren't .... well they're mostly naked XD These pictures make me realize my girls have it easy thusfar. I don't think I've ever seen my Barred Rocks molting, or my Goldens but my poor Australorps look like they sneezed all their feathers off one day. This is hilarious. Poor things :p
Is that a string attatched to his leg?
Yes. A lot of people tether out game breeds. Sometimes due to aggression issues. This keeps them from hurting any other chickens & still have their own space. If I ever had to tie one out (we used to have game birds) I prefer to use wide banded soft leather. The subject itself is a source of disagreement among flock keepers. I hope it isn't heading in that direction or anything
We don't want to get too far off topic

I wish I had my own photo to contribute. My bantam bearded black silky, Frieda went into a hard molt shedding her scraggly old feathers (from poor conditions where I got her) and is now a boufy & poofy as ever. For a good 2-3 weeks though she was almost bald on the top of her head & the tip of her butt. She was one ugly lady lol. I can't wait to see even more pictures! Keep them coming!
OMG!! Those poor chickens..they all need sweat suits til feathers come back in.
No pics to post, mine are all soft molting and cannot hold a candle to these!

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