Ended Official BYC Contest - Worst Chicken Molt Pictures - Fall/Winter 2014

This is my first time posting to this site, so here's hoping I'm doing it right. ;)

When my littlest chicken, our super molter every year, came out of her house in the morning with no pants on (not the way she went in the night before) I decided I had to submit her. She's such a funny lady, and posed beautifully for her glamour shots, quite proud of herself as usual. She insists on molting as quickly as possible each year so she can get back to laying eggs.

Lady Hawk is being entered in the "All Other Breeds" category:

Good thing we're having mild weather. :)


Yipes. She kept right on going. The night this one was taken, she tried to climb into my lap rather than go to bed with the other ladies, so she's sleeping in a pet carrier on my bed until she's no longer bald. ;)

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This freaked me out pretty bad last night. First serious molt. Red star- a little over a year old. Just started breaking out of her broodiness. I hope it's normal as it came out of nowhere. Would be all other breeds category.

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