Ended Official BYC Coop Page Contest #11 - Win a Brinsea ChickSafe Eco Automatic Chicken Coop Door Opener!


This contest is now closed. Thanks for all of your entries. We are in the process of judging them and will announce the winners soon.​
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Without any further delay, here are the winners of this contest!

First Place - @Gtownallie

Charming Chicken Cottage
1 - @Gtownallie.jpg
Well, my coop is finally (mostly) finished! Here is a link to my coop article.
My Coop with plans

I have finally completed (mostly) The Fluffy Butt Acres coop page. You can find it here:


Wow! Some amazing coops and articles here - well done everyone :)

Will my Welsh Carolina Coops inspired (copied!) to the mix :)

Fourth Place - @bmfenn
Tiffany Blue Coop
4 - @bmfenn.jpg
Posted! Been saving my pennies for an automatic door!


First PlaceBrinseaChickSafe Eco Automatic Chicken Coop Door Opener
Second Place (at least two)$50 BYC Store Gift Certificate or a 1-year PFM ($60 value) for themselves or a friend.
Third Place (at least two)$30 BYC Store Gift Certificate or a 6-month PFM ($35 value) for themselves or a friend.
Fourth Place (at least two)$15 BYC Store Gift Certificate or a 3-month PFM ($20 value) for themselves or a friend.

@Gtownallie, @BY Bob, @Chuckie chicken, @Yakisugi Coop, @woodworm, @bmfenn, & @humblehillsfarm, conversation messages will go out to you shortly regarding your prizes.

Thank you to all for your entries and participation! This contest was difficult to judge; there were many quality articles to choose from. Another thank you goes out to the judges, who put a lot of time and energy into their ratings for this contest.


Check out the new contest!
Official BYC Coop Page Contest #12

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