Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

If you look at the left pic it looks more like a dog or something hunched over. The face almost looks human to me...it kinda weirds me out :hmm. The face & shape just doesnt look feline to me.
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Okay so I laughed so hard on this one...I cried...I was having the worst day at work...and this really made my day!
Thank you :)

I spewed my pepsi
The cat's head is at a bit of an angle because of the way it's turning, the part you're seeing that looks more like a dog is actually a white patch on it's chest that makes it look like it's face is longer...like a dog face
Did that make sense? It's definitely a cat, poor thing!
The cat's head is at a bit of an angle because of the way it's turning, the part you're seeing that looks more like a dog is actually a white patch on it's chest that makes it look like it's face is longer...like a dog face
Did that make sense? It's definitely a cat, poor thing!

AHHHH WOLF QUEEN!!! YOu made me see it that way!!! AHHH NOW THAT IS REALLYYYYY CREEPPPYYYY I'm gonna have nnightmares tonight...
Yeah...that's an optical illusion photo there - looks like a dogs face (long, tapering snout) one way, and then if you assume the whitish "snout" is debris or something, looks like a rounder cat's face up high...

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