Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

Another case of using stock photos:

At 1st I thought "Wow! Those chicks look amazing!" Then I realized they looked too good. I did an image search and saw that one can get a credit card with this image, a school newsletter used this image, a video game company used the image, and it was all over facebook.

I really dislike when people don't show what they're actually selling. I can understand using a stock photo if an item is new in box and unassembled - but animals!?

Baby chicks - $2​


Spring chickens for sale. Born from free range chickens
I'd actually mark that post off as a spam. Don't click, don't ask, forget it and completely ignore. Not only did they use a stock image, they don't know what they're talking about. Spring chickens for sale? It is Spring, and those aren't pigs that would be called that. (If you've ever heard the phrase, Spring pig, or Fall pig. It's saying age and stuff about the pig. You don't use those terms in poultry. Maybe they're going off the saying, "I'm no Spring chicken anymore"?)

Those are chicks! Spring chickens are just extra wording and letters. If you're going to post a spam using chicks, please get the terminology correct.

Next, let's look at the quote, "Born from free range chickens". If you look at the ad, they forgot the period, but I'll be forgiven on that due to myself often have spelling errors and forgotten end pronunciation. (Though when looking for spam activity, misspelling, bad or none end pronunciation, and wrong or none capitalization is often a dead giveaway.) But really. Born from free range chickens. That's a sale's pitch! Along with "Parents feed organically." Both are for selling points. How the parents were feed/raised doesn't matter to me except that they were healthy and not diseased. I'd love to hear that the parent stock was well taken care of, but that's not my first question, concern, or business for the most part.

Lastly on spam, I'd check that town's ordinances. It looks just out of a city, if not in one, so there could be ordinances saying no roosters, or not being able to truly free range in that space. True, I'd wouldn't look into that too deeply because again, it's not my concern. It'd only be my concern if I was checking them if they were spam, but already it's obvious they are.

This is sorta off topic, but on. Stock images. Especially on animals. Have you ever heard of the Gold Star Hybrid? If you have, and have seen them in a Hatchery mail catalog, you'll notice something. The picture. It's in ALL the Hatchery catalogs. As far as I know, it originally appeared in the Murray McMurray Hatchery catalog, and has now made it several other Hatchery catalogs. I've seen the Gold Star Hybrids in maybe three catalogs so far now, and every single one of them has the same picture as Murray McMurray's, with at least one with a poorly done, blurry version of it. For a duck breed so popular amongst these Hatcheries, you'd assume someone would have gotten a better picture by now. :rolleyes:

(Sorry for the rant. I just felt like shredding that Craigslist ad. Who knows, whoever reads my post might learn something. Maybe I've said a thing or two that'll help you diagnose a spam that looks very convincing that it's real, and not fall for it. :) )

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