Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

Yes, then I agree. If your add said firm, then he should not have offered you any less for it.
Chicken House & Hens - $250 (xxx)


Nice sturdy chicken coop.
Height - 5ft. 8 inches
Width - 4 ft (with layer box 4 ft. 5 inches)
Length - 6 ft. 2 inches
Also have a 12 ft by 36 ft by 6ft high 'run' if you want it.
Hens all lay brown eggs and are currently producing average of 2 doz. eggs per week.
The hens are:
1 Bard Rock
1 Delaware
4 Red Stars
2 Golden Sex links
The coop can set on ground or has legs to lift.
Attached nesting box has 5 cubicles and is accessible from outside by lifting a cover door.
Also have a chicken door on one end and a 'man' door on the other end (for easy cleaning).
The coop is home made and is heavy. You must make arrangements to move.
Reason for selling - not enough time to devote to hens. You may call 555-555-5555 NO SCAMMERS, SPAMMERS, OR ANY OTHER UNSOLICITED OFFERS.

I really don't think that saying "no scammers, spammers, or any other unsolicited offers" would do much. It only drives away the people you are trying to sell it to, I would say. But, it is a very tempting offer, I have never had a Bard Rock before.
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What's wrong with this ad? You got laid off (I'm assuming, no income coming in) and you want to buy chickens - for eggs??? How will you afford to buy feed for the chickens? :confused: Feed comes before eggs? No feed. No chickens. No eggs. :smack :idunno

Reply [email protected] Posted: 2013-01-30, 11:08AM CST
I just got laid off yesterday and I'm looking for a few chickens to be able to pull eggs from to eat. If you maybe have a group of hens and can spare one or two please message me at 337xxx-xxxx
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
Posting ID: 3582026964 Posted: 2013-01-30, 11:08AM CST
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I'm a little less than amused by some of the CL buyers. I'm trying to sell a couple of roosters right now and it drives me crazy how many people will ask if they can buy an entirely different breed/sex. One of the roosters is a Silver Laced Wyandotte. I posted a picture of him with no other chickens in the picture, because the last time I had people offereing to buy all the other chickens in the picture, all that is except for the one that was actually listed for sale! My first email was from a guy who wanted to know if I had a Silver Laced Cochin rooster for sale too. Um...no. Last time I had some cross bred SS/Welsummers on CL, someone kept asking if I had a flock of Speckled Sussex for sale (a couple SS were in the picture of the crosses, so I made a mental note to single out any chicken I had planned to sell before I took a picture next time). The time before that, I was giving away a cull Buff Orpington rooster. A guy told me he would pick him up the next day but since he was going through all the trouble of driving two hours, he thought I should throw in a BO hen. Since I only had 3 BO hens, the cream of the hatch, I told him I couldn't do that. Of course, he got offended. Now I understand some of the overly specific ads I've seen specifically stating what they will and will not sell and telling people not to bother if they want any other breed, number, etc.
I had something similar happen, but not from CL. I left a flier at Big R for two mix breed cockerel chicks free to good home, detailed as you please with pictures. I also included that I lived in the city and needed these guys gone to avoid code violations. A month later I recieved a call from a man asking if I had pullets for sale. He wanted ten or so.
I'm a little less than amused by some of the CL buyers. I'm trying to sell a couple of roosters right now and it drives me crazy how many people will ask if they can buy an entirely different breed/sex.  One of the roosters is a Silver Laced Wyandotte. I posted a picture of him with no other chickens in the picture, because the last time I had people offereing to buy all the other chickens in the picture, all that is except for the one that was actually listed for sale! My first email was from a guy who wanted to know if I had a Silver Laced Cochin rooster for sale too. Um...no. Last time I had some cross bred SS/Welsummers on CL, someone kept asking if I had a flock of Speckled Sussex for sale (a couple SS were in the picture of the crosses, so I made a mental note to single out any chicken I had planned to sell before I took a picture next time). The time before that, I was giving away a cull Buff Orpington rooster.  A guy told me he would pick him up the next day but since he was going through all the trouble of driving two hours, he thought I should throw in a BO hen.  Since I only had 3 BO hens, the cream of the hatch, I told him I couldn't do that. Of course, he got offended.  Now I understand some of the overly specific ads I've seen specifically stating what they will and will not sell and telling people not to bother if they want any other breed, number, etc.

I had something similar happen, but not from CL.  I left a flier at Big R for two mix breed cockerel chicks free to good home, detailed as you please with pictures.  I also included that I lived in the city and needed these guys gone to avoid code violations.  A month later I recieved a call from a man asking if I had pullets for sale.  He wanted ten or so.  :confused:

Same here. I posted that I had TOM TURKEYS for sale. Why did I get an email asking if I had TURKEY HENS!!!!!!????????????? Did the ad say that I had hens for sale? NO, IT DID NOT!!! :mad: :smack

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