Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

Yep, "The Chicken Ranch" was a brothel in Tx. Marvin Zindler a reporter from Houston was instrumental in closing it down. The movie, The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas" starring Dolly Parton and Burt Reynolds, is based on this event.
Those eggs are from easter egger chickens. Those eggs aren't rare. If someone was going to hatch the eggs, they would want to know the name of the breed. I have never heard of a Chilean breed of chicken. And why would someone want to buy rare eggs to eat? It seems like someone's idea to sell their eggs at a high price. I think the Chicken Ranch was also a name for a house of ill repute. :)
I think that's The Mustang Ranch... its a brothel in Nevada... from wikipedia: "The Araucana, also known as a South American Rumpless, is a breed originating in Chile" so I suppose if they really are Araucanas they might be worth $8 a dozen, but most of what's sold in the US as Araucanas are Ameraucanas or more probably Easter Eggers. 25 years ago there were some hatcheries selling "Araucanas", but the debate at the time said they were mostly Ameraucanas. now they're mostly easter eggers and a lot of the hatcheries sell them that way. so unless his line goes way back, these chickens are a looooong way from chile. still, maybe their ancestors DID come from there. they could be Chilean the same way I'm a Viking Pirate Princess... about 25 generations back... :lol: edited to add this: http://www.ameraucana.org/faq.html [SIZE=13.5pt][COLOR=000080]Aren't Araucanas the "original" breed of colored-egg chicken?[/COLOR][/SIZE] Although the APA Standard claims some Araucanas came from South America, the ABA Standard is correct in stating that Araucanas, as described in the our Standards, originated in the United States. Historical evidence does not support the notion that only one type of chicken laid colored eggs in their native South America. No genetic linkage exists that would require colored-egg chickens to be tufted or rumpless. It is true the first recorded imports from Chile combined the traits of rumplessness, ear tufts, and colored eggs - but those birds resulted from a single breeder combining several strains and subsequently misrepresenting them as native fowl. An artist's depiction of the earliest imports in a 1927 National Geographic article served to perpetuate this myth. The Ameraucana breed was formulated and standardized, primarily in the north central U.S., to provide a colored egg fowl possessing more practical and true-breeding characteristics. Ameraucanas were recognized as a separate and distinct breed in the early 1980's by the APA and by the ABA.
Nope, Chicken Ranch is the nickname of an old brothel in Texas, in La Grange (was closed down long ago). There was a musical written about that place, "The Greatest Little Whorehouse in Texas" that got a long famous run on Broadway. Was pretty famous years ago. It was called that because way back when, they would accept chickens as payment.
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Having a Murray myself with belt issues sometimes, I well understand wanting to sell it rather than replace that belt LOL. It's a real pain to put a new one on.
Red Bantam Rooster (xxx)

[rule]Date: 2012-05-17, 3:39PM EDT Reply to: xxx [rule] Free Red Bantam Rooster, 3 years old. Pickup only.
Oh the poor thing!
Usually when i see a bird like that i buy it so i can save it.
Couch and two messaging recliners -

Date: 2012-05-23, 11:35AM EDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

Tan recliner with thin green fabric woven throughout. Both ends recline. Excellent condition. Two years old. Pd $750.00 new. Will sell separate from two recliners for $250.00

Two burgundy recliners, both with massage. Lazy Boy. Excellent condition. Three years old. Pd $570.00 for one and $545 for other. Will sell separate for $125.00 each.

First they message... then they massage....

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