Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

How would you inspect ? If they look healthy are they ? If you went to buy the breast milk and the person looked sick or like a crack head then it might be a good idea to pass.


We bought raw cow milk from our Amish farmer before moving to where we currently live. They sold their milk clearly labeled, "not for human consumption" but no one can control what you do in your own home so...
Deer Head (Lakeside)

Mounted deer head, very old and mangy but the 10 point antlers are still good. It is hanging high over the garage door. You come and take it down and it is yours. You can use my ladder. Text to 619-857-xxxx to arrange a time.
Location: Lakeside
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Mangy deer heads...I wish they had posted a picture of this one.
To be perfectly honest, I thought they meant "lima beans."
I'm seeing the irony that this ad falls under the "norm" for me! LOL! If that is near you and you need fertilizer for your gardens...jump on it! Seriously. We use our alpaca poo and everything we grow comes up HUGE and hardy. Some of our raised beds started out as nothing more than alpaca poo. Just like rabbit and alpaca, llama "beans" can be used immediately in the garden and won't burn your plants vs. having to use old/composted cow, chicken or horse manure that has high levels of nitrogen and can burn your plants. Something to think about anyway....
Yeah, I'll bet it's really great!
I'd never heard of llama poo being called "beans" though, so when I saw the title I was like, what the heck?
(It's not near me though. This was down in Alabama.)

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