Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

I just saw a add for "Want to trade horse back riding lessons for vegetables/eggs"

Quote about Guinea pigs.
indeed they are. most of the drafts are. we've got belgians, but clydes would be cool too.
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lange horne and mixed peeps - $4 (shippensburg rd)

Date: 2012-07-17, 6:15AM EDT
Reply to: [email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

some roasters and hens
Location: shippensburg rd
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 3144530722''

Guess we know what the roosters will be used for! And what are lange horne?
$400 for a dog that they don't even know what it is?
A "Maltese" is supposed to be all white...

from Wikipedia:
The coat is long and silky and lacks an undercoat. The color is pure white; although cream or light lemon ears are permissible, they are not regarded as desirable. Also, a pale ivory tinge is permitted. In some standards, traces of pale orange shades are tolerated. Also, the Maltese has hair, not fur. It sheds less,, and is a better choice for people with dog allergies[citation needed]. The Maltese has lemon or brown markings along with the white hair. Some people prefer to have the coat short. The most common cut for the Maltese is called the "puppy cut".
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