Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

horse for sale - $1 (Somerville Ohio )

Date: 2012-09-27, 12:23PM EDT
[email protected] [Errors when replying to ads?]

Pain Horses for sale 1000.00 or best offer every offer will be look at reason for selling is that I have lost my job of 30+ years and my wife is on divisibility and can not work these horse are papered brood mares and we have others horse that are not more for more information call


So the Horse is a chicken? It says it's Brood so it must be a broody hen, right? and the wife must be Morman because she's on divisibility (I guess she has "brother husbands" to divide her time with) and the last phrase sounds like there are less painful ones are cheaper...

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