Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

their not chewy more... crunchy.Their usuaully somewhat sour too, and taste awesome <3 (I LOVE pomegranates)

If they're sour then they were picked to soon. The ones on my tree now are a little sour but next month they will be sweet.

There were pomegranates at the store yesterday, and I almost grabbed a couple, but they were $2.87 EACH! So I passed. I was thinking about this thread at the time, too. Pomegranates are so yummy and unusual.
I wanna a chickin! I'm not exactly sure how much a chickin is worth either...

chickins and roosters - $1 (---)

Date: 2012-10-02, 2:18PM EDT

Still pretty young. Home owner moving. Pleas call 555-555-5555. Not sure what there worth and the cage and coop goes with them.

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