Ok to feed dry dog food for treats?


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 28, 2008
I have a cup or two of dry dog food I am considering giving my chooks. Is this ok to do? Just didn't want to waste it in the trash if it can go to the girls.
Sometimes i feed mine our extra dog food as a treat..i soak it first to soften it up though.
Great idea! Thank you! I think I'll soak it in some milk that is just about time to throw out. Thanks again!
I had not thought of dog food, but my main focus on treats for my chickens is along the lines (GENERALLY - I do deviate from time to time) is healthy left overs.

Yesterday I took a watermelon rind to the coop. It was the end of the melon with a bit of "meat" on it. They looked at me like "WOMAN! Have you lost your mind???" (They are just over one month old. I decided to leave it over night.

This morning, ALL that was left was a thin layer of watermelon skin.
I took them the other end this afternoon, and had to get out of their way FAST! Normally it would have been cut up and thrown in the compost pile; now it will go THROUGH the chicken and THEN in the compost pile!!

With that said, I will admit to giving them hard boiled eggs from time to time - a real party starter. (This particular treat is a bit macabre when you think about it, but it is healthy and the love it, so what the heck??) They also love shredded cheese. However, I am going to work more and more toward sharing with them the left overs instead of feeding something else I am already paying for!

Chickens are great creatures... I had NO idea until a month ago!
My chickens love both dog and cat food. My dog food is 24% and makse them lay a LOT of eggs, but costs too much to let them eat a lot of it

It's gotten to the point that I cant feed the cats outside until after dark because the chickens will run them off

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