***OKIES in the BYC III ***

Just got some more eggs in the mail. SLW and Standard Cochin/Blue and Splash. Going to try my luck at hatching again. The silkie eggs i bought went into lockdown on Tuesday evening, and 6 went into lockdown. Well it is day 20 so hope tomorrow they start hatching. Now I know what you all mean about hatching eggs becomes addictive..
I'm looking at remodeling my old barn need some pics of inside barn coops if anyone has some. Like pirches, nest boxes ect..
I built a coop in my barn. Regrettably I don't have any pictures at hand. If I were to convert my entire barn, I would do a coop in every horse stall and separate them by breeds, but alas I still have horses....Anyone need a horse?
Easter egger.

X2 Easter Egger. If it doesn't look like one of the pictures in the gallery on www.ameraucana.org it is an Easter Egger. Even if it looks right, if it doesn't breed true then it's an Easter Egger. Greenish legs are another clue- all true Ameraucanas have white or slate legs.

Many, many, many hatcheries and uneducated people sell "Americana" or "Ameracana" or some other spelling and tell you it's a breed but it's not. They are just Easter Egger mutts- which is FINE if that's what you want! Irritates the heck out of me that even after being educated they continue to mislead people though.
MJ..Congratulations on the laying hen.

My two white hens were sitting together today under the 10 hole nest box...they prefer to lay on the ground.

Today's pictures:
The Delaware Cock admires his chicks and then begins to help feed them

Now listen closely about feeder etiquette and meet the huge family....Dad, Aunts and big sisters.

Practicing our newly learned skills....

Finally all seven chicks under the Wyandotte hen,,3 Cochins, 2 Wyandotte, 1 Buckeye and 1 Cochin/Wyandotte

I think this one's name has to be Piggy

This cow had this little heifer three times today...every time she got up, she had her rear to the wind..... lol
the cow in the foreground in the second picture is a really big heavy bred cow enjoying the sunshine.

She is really sacked out...did not move until we started to leave.
Awesome pics! I had no idea that a roo could help raise the chicks! Aren't roosters just awesome!
I now have close to 40 chicks in my house and my husband is about to kill me because of the smell. Anyone put their babies on pine chips at a few days old? I usually use paper towels but unexpectedly 16 chicks (that I hatched for a friend) are stayin for a little while and I'm not set up for all these babies ( as far as smell goes lol).

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